chapter 2

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Kahdeja's pov 🦋

Kahdeja's pov 🦋

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"Memba we share the room, "I cut my eyes at him, he's older by a couple of months, he's seventeen and he attends school with the others in the house just not me, I'm always here doing household chores, it's the only thing keeping me from not going to Bellevue.

"Hear yuh mek scene down a the Patty place, yah idiot, yuh no know a gun man own it"mi no friad a no gunman.

"How you know that"mi concern a so fast News spread.

"No worry yuh likkle head bout that, mia guh eat dinner" he left, I can't eat with them, I get what's left over, and there are never leftovers...

I went outside bathed and wrapped my towel around me, perfect time fi me get dressed, mi put on me underwear and dress.

I hear chatting and laughing downstairs, and they never involve me, do I have a disease or something?

Mi should a put me damn pride aside n tek the damn patty...

When yuh nah think...

Me guh in a Calvin bag, it's disgusting, used condoms in deh, Ewww I picked up a book and start fi read but the boy no write shit in deh, omg mi cya do this.

I rubbed my necklace, it's the only thing that keeps me, god know it magical, know e amount a time dem almost lick mi off a road, but mi still deh yah a fight.

I feel a sting on my cheeks, I hissed looking up at an angry Stef, "weh mi tell yuh no guh in a yuh brother things, yah idiot likkle wicked pickney"I got up.

And I slapped her back.

"You know God ago punish you old witch, that's why you nah get no blessing because yuh salt, you ugly, mi not even a talk bout looks yuh heart black & dutty, mi no know weh mi do yuh in a life fi yah treat mi like this, mi just wah likkle love," I said hoping for her to change, instead mi sleep outa door in the cold, it's dark and dangerous.

I wiped my eyes, I wrapped up my legs in the long dress, not even good clothes fi wear mi no have r a proper shoes Pon mi foot.

I watched the heavy rainfall from the veranda, it was pouring on the rooftop, so fucking cold, only to see the door opening slowly I wiped my eyes getting up.

I love the rain.

Me easy fi sick eno, by a morning mi mus cya smell anything.

"Come in," Calvin said, me seh no n sit back down, then it shut, "sorry here..." he bring me some food, I started crying, mi no cry from mia four eno, I mark date for everything.

"Yuh mada ago cuss yuh, just gwann n leave mi alone Calvin" he wrapped his Left hand around my shoulder and hug me.

Yes his mada, cause a no mine mi hate r god knows

"Kahdeja, Jah know mi no know a weh you do mummy mek she treats yuh different from everyone else in yah, we have we day to day argument n fights we hate each other but just eat look" he taste a piece and smiled, it fake like I laughed.

"Whatever yuh ugly like".

"Like yuh man, now eat" he gimme a sheet fi wrap up in a when mi full up mi belly me give him the plate wid the big leg bone, then he gimme some grape tang juice, god know it quench mi thirst.

He guh wash the plate n come back," mi ask mom fi mek you guh school wid mi, but she a lame out the thing"me move closer to him and wrap up the big thick sheet Pon him to.

"Umm Calvin...I... Thank you brother" he nodded, he sick mi but he have him ways.

"What is the school like,".

"School a fuckry a wish a mi did a stay home n rest, I have seven classes daily, sleep a most a dem expect when Mrs. Baldwin a teach, best teacher a Crawford mi friend"a which teacher this a mek Calvin blush.

"Weh she teach".

"Mostly Spanish but English & Physics"I would love for her to be my teacher, from Calvin have something good fi seh it done desso.

I felt drowsy all of a sudden, I looked at Calvin," mi wah sleep" I whispered, he nodded, and I feel my body being lifted up.

"Good night big head" was the last thing I heard before falling asleep...


The next morning mi woke up to him a get ready fi school, he was in his underpants and white marina. I turned closing my eyes, "tell you fi guh somewhere else r just tell mi fi leave"I mumbled under the sheets.

"Sorry, mi done now"I removed it, he was dressed and I went in front of the mirror to look at my face.

"Wah yuh plans fi today" I yawned, rubbing my belly, "nah do anything-"I shut up as me see grandma and Stef.

"A you rule me likkle gyal, weh yuh guh in a me pot and tek out mi chicken fah, you provide anything in yah Kahdeja, bet seh mi kill yuh in yah" she runs out, mi look Pon Calvin.

She came back inside wid a cutlass, mi step back as Calvin block me" a mi get up and eat it, did feel hungry leave r alone no mum" she was flaming, mi step back and she lick after mi, and mi get a lick Pon me hot bad.

"Ahhh, Stef"I cried, as I rubbed my hands, mi run pass and come out a the yard, I was walking in the lane mi all hear she a call out mi name.

Mi run, not even knw weh mia guh but me run cause mi nah mek she kill me in deh.

"Come outa the road"someone screamed out, I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the car to hit me kill me.

"Fuck, yuh lucky eno" I removed my hands, to a girl, she looks so expensive and beautiful.

"Sorry," why me always a apologize, I was going to go away, what a way me run come up a hill, mia idiot.

"Hey, yuh get hurt, yuh hand" she touched me and I glare, "don't touch me" she hold up her hands backing away.

"Yuh see when mi rude dem cuss mi now mia try help and people a tek me kindness as offense"this girl mumbled to herself.

Mi laugh in a me mind, watch mi twin

"I don't like to be touched".

"I respect that, but I'm on my way to school and you look hurt, let me help you, "I can't trust her, she's just a stranger, mi trust fucked up.

"Here is my driver's license, my name is Aaricia Jones nice to meet you" she holds out her hand for a handshake...

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