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T-oh thats fine, i just uhm what about tomorrow or after then?

A-im not able to make plans right now Teo im sorry.

T- Yeah i understand see you soon tough?


i hanged up


H-whos Teo?

A-just a freind.

H-diddnt sound like he looked at you as a freind?

A-excause me i know who my freinds are.


i kept on measuring him.

H-i've bought all the fabrics and all.

A-how do you know what fabric i am thinking of using?

H-i diddnt, so i bought everything in the whole store, all the fabrics is laying in the room besides your little designer room.

A-well, thank you.

A-oh and i can send you you're money back, i thought of wearing a dress i have made a long time ago.

H-oh keep it.

A-you know i can't do that.

H-please Adriana, just take it.

A-no i refuse.

H-look i know you're little miss earn it myself but honestly this one time can go.

A-70 grand is it is a lot 

H-please its like 7 dollars for me keep it.

A-fine this one time.

H-thank you for gods sake.


i went to start on the suit.


3 days later

I am done with the suit finally then we went on the plane to Las vegas, the hotel there was amazing.

H-okay so when is your show? 20.00?

A-yeah 20.00- 22.00, and the after party wich i am not going to is 22.00-03.40

H-yeah were not going to that.

A-yes exactly.

we had to go in 1 hour so i had to get ready.

A-wait you're watching?

H-of course i am watching.

A-do you know how nervous that makes me?

H-oh comon.

A-fine just hide yourself.

H-yeah, no i am sitting on the front row, i think the whole fotball team is going anyways.

A-The Whole fotball team?!?


A-Oh god.

H-you know horny dudes that want to watch models in underwear.

A-oh god.

H-just walk no pressure.

My bestfriends brother/hayden chirstensenWhere stories live. Discover now