3 - A Friend's Invitation

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"What do you mean?"

Theodore seemed to be lost in thought for a minute. He noticed Amora take a step closer so he lifted up his visor once more. The genuine warm glow to his expression had become strained. He smiled but Amora noticed it was all lips and nothing from his eyes. She knew that façade well.

"Ah, nothing really. I'm...I'm really glad we finally got to see each other again. Especially with all that's transpired."

Amora felt the tonal shift of seriousness blanket around her as well. She closed her eyes a moment. Much had changed since that night in the garden when they first met.

From two shy kids who played knights and dragons in the garden to young adults who've gone down different paths. Unlike her, Theodore was a real knight in clad shinning armor, serving the crown. And Amora...

"You're beautiful, Amora."

Her eyes reopened. She thought she had imagined him say it at first, but no. It was real. She knew by his immediate repentance shortly after.

"Ah! P-please forgive me! Th-that was too forward wasn't it? I only meant it in earnest s-since it's been such a long time and-" he bit his tongue and hid his ears under his shoulders. "I-I-I-I'm going to stop talking now."

Amora laughed, remembering his shy nature in full from so long ago. 'At least some things haven't changed.'

"You're alright, my friend. Think nothing of it. It has been quite some time indeed. I wish we could catch up but I'm afraid I must-"

"AMORA!!" her Stepmother screeched from the depths of the mansion like a monster growling in it's cave of darkness.

"That's my cue." She sighed and bent down to pick up her basket. Curly strands of her high bun came loose and hung down the right side of her face. "It was lovely to see you again, Sir Theodore."

Just as before, his shoulders shot up but this time his cheeks beamed a brilliant scarlet hue. He looked like a bashful turtle ready to retreat into his shell of iron.

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-you don't have to call me that." He sputtered.

Amora's dark brows jumped up before a small smirk appeared seconds later. "Shouldn't I? You are a lord, are you not?"

"It-it's not a big deal. B-besides I...I'd much rather you use my name."

She chuckled and tucked her loose curls behind her ear. "'Theo' has a nice ring to it. It's short, sweet, and perfect. Like you. Er, well, except the short bit...now that I think more on it, you've not only become much taller but also very muscular. It's incredible!"

Theodore slapped his palms over his now crimson read face.

She gasped. "Oh! Was that weird? I-I'm sorry! I meant it as a compliment."

'Oh, dear. It seems I've become the forward one!'

To her greatest relief, Theodore didn't seem offended by her carelessness. He slid his hands down until she could see his mismatched blue eyes and a dimple peeking out from the side of one of his cheeks.

"No worries. You're t-too kind."

Amora glanced away, unsure of what to do or say. "Um...okay...glad that...is the case.....bye!"

She hung her basket on one elbow and lifted her blue skirts as she scurried over to the front porch.

"Amora, wait!" Theodore called. "Are you going to the ball?"

Amora halted in her tracks. He saw her head twitch slightly to her right, like she were going to face him but she changed her mind last second.


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