6 - Cinderella

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"Hey, what are ya nervous for?"

Amora blinked free from her absent stare at the small carriage window and turned to Mags. "I-I'm not nervous."

Mags arched up a brow a moment, unimpressed with Amora's lie. Then she rolled her eyes and put on her mask. Its design was inspired off of the Stone kingdom's symbol of the sun and moon. The left side was orange and had wavy rays stretched out, the right was painted a nice cool hue of grey and blue.

"Look, there's nothing to stress over. You go, have a good time, dance, and eat all the grub you can get your little human hands on. 'Only thing you gotta worry about is the rule. Which is...?"

"I must leave the ball before the final stroke of midnight."

"Poifect." Mags paused, serious now. "Stop bouncing your knee."

Amora looked down to find her right knee betraying her with a mind of it's own. "Ah-sorry."

"Y'know, you apologize a lot. Most of the time for no reason."

"S-"Amora cleared her throat. "I, uh, guess I am really nervous, ha, ha."

Mags scratched the right side of her temple and looked away. Silence fell over the two as the carriage treaded onto its destination.

"Mags? Since you're my, uh, Fairy Godmother and all, can I ask you something?"

She narrowed her eyes disapprovingly at Amora. "If you're gonna ask me for more time the answer is no."

"Um, actually I was going to ask if you could come inside the palace with me? I...I don't want to go in alone."

Caught off guard, Mags couldn't help but smile a little while blinking rapidly a few times. She eventually settled her gaze out the window.

"Sure...yeah I can come with." She said while hiding her face.

Amora finally took this moment to properly assess Magnolia. Her slim body was enveloped in a dress of green leaves the hues of lime and olive and her pink hair petals sprouted out from her round head like the petals of an actual flower would.

She was really quite astounding to Amora. Even now her fairy godmother was so captivating to look at...

Amora gasped so loud it made Mags whip her head back at her in surprise.

"What's the matter?"

Amora hid her face in her hands. "I just realized having you with me in the palace could put you in danger. I'm so sorry! What was I thinking?"

Mags scoffed lightly and gave Amora an amused smirk even though she couldn't see it.

"Only those I allow can see me so long as I have magic, kid. So stop gettin' all bent outta shape. Take your deep breaths and relax, girlie. I'm with you 'til the end. Promise."

Amora peaked through her fingers at Mags. Her fairy godmother gave her a simple nod before laying back with her leaf hands resting over her stomach.

Amora's nerves slowly died as she looked out her side of the window. She spotted the castle up ahead in the distance. It stood tall, shining bright light a silver-blue beacon under Rowan's crescent blue moon. Amora couldn't look away. She had seen the Stone Monarchy's palace from afar, but never this close. Theodore was inside, waiting for her. She'd get her answers, find a way to see Arabella and Seth again, and have her second chance at freedom if it was the last thing she ever did.

"Thank you so much," Amora said to the coachman as they helped her step out of the carriage.

They didn't utter a single word. Their eyes were grey pools of shadowy mist, lost in another world as they looked right through Amora's very soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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