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It's been days maybe weeks since Kayce was captured by Hydra but she couldn't tell the difference with the countless hours of torture that she's endured but she has yet to break and give in to them.

They have been dosing her with vervain daily but in weaker doses each time, not knowing that she's an Original and that if they want to keep her weak then they need to keep giving her high doses but she has yet to mention the Original thing because she is using their ignorance to her advantage, knowing that they think if they give her the weakest dose of vervain that they can that she'll still stay weak and it's what she's counting on while she works on her escape plan.

Kayce just got thrown back into her cell after another session of torture where she gave them absolutely nothing where Bucky is waiting on her with a change of clothes and her daily dose of blood along with some normal 'food'

Bucky looks at her "It would be so much easier if you just cooperate with them"

Kayce looks back at him smirking "yeah that's not gonna happen.... like I said if I don't want to do something then nothing can make me do it and I sure as hell don't want to take over the world or lead this damn organization"

A little while later Kayce is sitting on the ground with Bucky sitting across from her... in the time that she's been there, he's begun to see her as a friend even if he would never let on to anyone about it because just like Kayce he knows that they would use her against him if they think he cares about her in any kind of way.

Kayce blows out a breath looking at him this is where she tries to get him to take the handcuffs off of her "you know if you take these off, I can get us out of here.... and I give you my word that I wouldn't leave here without you"

He shakes his head and gives her a look "nice try but that's not gonna happen"

Kayce looks him in the eye "Bucky please, I can help you...... you have to think you know me.... they will never hurt you again.... as long as I am still breathing, I give you my word but you have got to help me, you have got to push through their hold on you, you have to remember"

He shakes his head at her not believing her "No..... you're trying to trick me into freeing you that's all you're doing, you don't really know me, they told me you would play with my head and I won't fall for that"

Kayce gives him a look feeling as if she has to prove that she really knows who he is "I don't really know you huh? Your name is James Buchanan Barnes, you preferred to be called Bucky though, your birthday is March 10, you were born in 1917 and you were a Sargent in the Army during World War 2 the 107th... your mother's name was Winnifred and your father's name was George... your sister's name is Rebecca and your best friend Steven Grant Rogers is Captain America..... If I didn't know you how would I know any of that?"

Bucky looks at her as if studying her as everything she just told him runs through his mind her voice breaks him out of his thoughts "Bucky?"

He looks into her eyes and it's like something in his head clicks "Kayce?"

She smiles looking at him with tears in her eyes as she runs her thumb across his cheek gently and awkwardly because of the handcuffs she has on "I knew you were in there somewhere... I just had to get through to you.... honestly I didn't think that would work"

He says her name again in a whisper "Kayce..."

She smiles "I'm right here.... and I'm not going to leave you again... I made that mistake once and I thought I lost you forever so when I get out of here you are coming with me...... I won't let them hurt you anymore"

He looks at her still a little confused but he knows her, he recognizes her and not just from her being there for as long as she has. Something inside of him is telling him that he knows her just like he knew the man from the bridge.

But this feeling is different than the one with the man from the bridge it's like he knows that he can trust her and so with that thought in his mind he removes the anti-magic handcuffs from her wrists.

Kayce smiles at him "Thank you... now we wait for the next guard to come to give me my daily dose of vervain and that is when we make our move, he opens the door you catch it so it doesn't lock us back in and leave the rest to me" Bucky nods at her letting her know he understands her plan.

Kayce smirks as the door opens and just as planned Bucky catches it before it closes all the way and Kayce smirks at the guard that just came into the cell "Well now.... isn't this just not your day... I say it's time for a little revenge" and before he can even blink she flashes towards him biting into his neck drinking his blood "Now that's more like it" she drops the now dead body to the floor.

"Sorry about that but I need my strength if I'm gonna get us out of here as planned" then the two walk out of the cell Bucky grabs the guard discarded gun, and Kayce smirks at him "But before we get out of here we are turning this place into a blood bath... well at least I am, I told them I was gonna come for them when I got free" then she rubs her thumb across his cheek again "and I promised myself when I realized it was you that I was gonna kill them all for hurting you and that is a promise that I intend to keep and when we get out of here I will help you remember everything no matter what I have to do"

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