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Kayce looked at him "well that is a bit of a long story but her name is Bonnie Bennett and she comes from a long line of very powerful witches, my family knew one of her ancestors. That will make more sense when you get your memories back but anyway she was surprised that I helped her because one of her best friends was responsible for the death of my twin brother Kol. The witch wasn't exactly directly involved in his death so I let her live and as much as I wanted to kill the little hunter that actually did the job I didn't really fancy the hunter's curse that comes along with killing one of the five so I uhhh tortured him and then killed his sister in front of him. Elena was the said best friend that was responsible for Kol's death, it was her idea so she suffered the most, and then I ended her life in front of her brother, her boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend, and both of her best friends..."

He looked at the original for a moment "wow.... Kayce I wasn't expecting that."

Kayce shrugged unbothered she would do it all again in a heartbeat if she had to "well she deserved everything I did to her, there were plenty of other ways that she could have gotten what she wanted, ways that didn't involve killing my twin brother, my best friend, the one person on this planet that ever really understood me." Kayce wipes the tears that slipped down her face away "but she had to go for the easiest solution you see when an original dies, so do their entire sireline, every vampire that they've ever sired dies with them and they needed to complete the map on the little hunters arm only way to that was killing vampires so she came up with the idea of killing Kol which in turn would kill his entire sire line and the map would be completed and she could once again get everything she wanted no matter who else suffered for it."

Kayce has tears streaming down her face now it's really the first time since Kol died that she's actually cried about it, because after the shock wore off and she killed the doppelganger she completely flipped the switch not being able to take the emptiness from the absence of the twin bond that she shared with Kol a bond that she had felt for a thousand years even when Kol was daggered she could still feel the presence of the bond and then when he died it was just gone replaced by a feeling of emptiness and she couldn't take it so she flipped her humanity switch.

Finding out Bucky was alive was when her switch flipped itself back in she hadn't even realized it until now. She was too focused on getting them out and making the people that hurt him pay for their role in what happened to him.

Kayce doesn't stop, she keeps talking through the tears "so I tortured her... I had her begging for her life but I just kept going and then after countless hours of torture, I ended her life... in the most graphic and mentally scarring way that I could, I wanted them all to feel my pain... to see her dying every time they closed their eyes like I had to see Kol dying every single time that I closed my eyes... I didn't sleep for weeks because every time I closed my eyes I saw that stake go through his heart, him screaming and bursting into flames and it just haunted me because I couldn't save him."

The man doesn't say a word, he just hesitantly wraps his arms around the crying original in front of him, not really knowing what to say to her.

She buried her face in his chest just finally letting it all out for the first time. They just sat there on the bed for a while Kayce finding comfort in his arms for the first time since the 40s.

After calming down a little Kayce pulled away from him "sorry about that... I'm not usually emotional like that but I guess I just needed to get it out... that's the first time I've cried since the night that Kol died... God Nik was so pissed when he found out that I killed his precious doppelganger but then he saw the look on my face and I'd imagine it was completely devoid of any kind of emotion whatsoever. I could see the way his face just paled ever so slightly Nik knew that I had never completely turned it off before at least to his knowledge I didn't tell him about the other time that it had happened. One look at my face and for once in his life Nik let it go just like that."

Kayce now had her head laying on his chest as she talked Bucky looked down at her as she spoke, he didn't really know what to say so he just let her talk and get it. "Nik isn't one to just let things go but all he had to see what that look on my face to know that I had fully flipped the switch for the first time that he knew of... I've always been Nik's favorite sister, he'd deny it if asked but it's true, and seeing what Elena's actions had made me do. He let it go he realized that her death was my vengeance, and in the end, it was her own fault she went after my other half... Kol and I were a pair we balanced each other out and now I have to live with half of myself missing because my twin is dead and it was all her fault."

Kayce sighed again getting tired of talking about it so she changed the subject "we should both probably get some rest we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow... First, we will get somewhere safe and then I'll help you with your memories. But it needs to be a safe environment first that way there are no interruptions while I work." Kayce was exhausted after everything that had happened over the last few days so she almost immediately passed out she may be an original but she still needed sleep.

Well... That happened XD do you guys like what Kayce did to Elena??? Thought I'd switch it up a bit and actually have Kayce kill her for Kol's death. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter (: it took a while for me to get it to flow to finish and I finally got it.

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