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Celine and Lilly are on the 1D concert. But before the concert starts, the two go through an unforgetable experience and that only just because they secretly went backstage and met Niall Horan . ... everything starts to roll ...

*Celine blushes because she thinks about 1D. Suddenly the door opens*

Lilly: ,, Oh! Hey Niall ... um .... what are you doing here?

*Throws a blanket over Celines head in order to prevent Niall from seeing her*

*Celine's thoughts under the covers: ". Shit, I must sneeze" ... *

*Celine sneezes not audible at all*

*Lilly looks with an O-mouth the ceiling and then at Niall*

Niall: *grins* .. what was that? did the blanket ... *points to the cloth .. *sneeze just ten seconds ago oO ??? ...

*Lilly panics and hopes that Celine will get back to normal skin tone* ... Lilly is breathing in and out deeply and then pulls jerkily the blanket away from Celine*

Lilly: ,, Tadaaaaaa !!!!! A fan suprise for you Niaaaaallllll !!!. "

*Lilly grins widely at Celine, hopefully she will not tear of her head when the two of them arealone again*

Niall: *laughs* ... limp ,, sweet hairstyle !. "

Celine: ,, Yeah! My hair is wonderful! Try to keep up with me! "

Niall then: *smiles* ,, Okay .... "!

*Runs to the table, takes a bottle of water ... Turns off the lid and tipps the water over his head, totally ruins his hair*

Niall: ,, And ?, how do you like my hair. This is a thousand times better than yours !. "

*Niall begins to laugh and stroking his wet hair *

*Lilly is looking at them in disbelief and tries to hold back a laugh*

Lilly: ,, Well, then I'm probably the only one here with a great hairstyle ". :P

Celine: ,, Niall, you know that you need to go on stage in like 2 minutes ?. "

Niall: ,, Oh damn "ò.ó!.

*Celine and Lilly at the same time: * ,, Looks still totally cute !. "^ - ^

*Celine and Lilly can not believe that they have just said this and blush veeryy hard*

To be continued ....

Misunderstandings: When One Direction listensWhere stories live. Discover now