Backstage 2

10 3 0

Niall: ,, thank you ".

*Niall smiles gently at Celine and Lilly*

*Lilly whisperes softly into Celine's ear* ,, Did we really just say that?!? ... Oh man, we've got him fully stressed "

Lilly speaks loudly: ,, um ... joah ... So then, you certainly need to rest a few minutes before you go on stage .... "

*Lilly takes a towel off the couch and throws it to Niall*

Lilly: ,, ... you really should not stay that wet, you should dry yourself ".

*Celine and Lilly watch how Niall wipes himself with the towel and decide to go before he even notices that they do not belong in the Backstage area, but suddenly the other guys come in.*

Zayn: ,, VAS HAPPENINN !. "

Harry: ,, Hey, ladies! "

Liam: ,, Niall, why are you so wet? "

Zayn: ,, Exactly why you're wet ... we have to go on stage. "

Louis: *looks at Celine and Lilly* ,, Did any of you seen Kevin? He has to be with me .... Keviiinnn ?. "

*Louis face twists into a dramatic sad grimace* ... Keviiiinnn ???? .... ".

Harry: *just rolls his eyes and knocks Louis on the shoulder* ,, He'll be back, bro....he'll be back "

Niall: * looks at Liam and Zayn, which are standing in front of him* ,, These two girls made me wet "

*All the boys watch Celine and Lilly with O-mouthed expression on their faces*

*Celine and Lilly turn totally and unchangeable red*

Harry: ,, erm .. Niall.... you know this is very....suggestive ?. "

*and begins to grin*

Liam: *whispers* ,, Zayn, it seems like Niall got the hots for these chicks.. and got out of control ".


Zayn ,, Luckily, it was not at all that tight down there. "XD

Niall: ,, guys! Stop it .... I know exactly what you think! I am doussed with water. Long story, you do not have to understand ..for God's sake. so if you excuse me, I have to dry myself now. "

*Harry, Zayn, Louis and Liam understand ... (obviously in a wrong way) and leave the room*

Louis: ,, Ladies! Hurry up with the drying process some have .. You have got only 5 minutes .... until then he must be dry!. "

Harry: ,, wispers something about food into his ears".

*The door closes and you hear Louis still in the hallway talking: ,, Kev-v-vii-iinn ... ?? ... "*

*Celine looks embarrassed at the floor and chews on her lip while Lilly looks embarrassed at the ceiling.*

Celine and Lilly at the same time alternately: Niall,, ... you should ... may... use a hair dryer and gel if you want to return to the stage in 5 minutes !. "

Niall:,, Yeah! You're right! But Harry stole the hair dryer. "

Celine:,, Great! Then we can already hold a funeral for your poor hair!."

Niall:,, What do we do now "?!.

*Celine and Lilly grin mischievously*

Niall:,, It seems like you have a plan .... "

Louis shouts from the hallway:,, Are you hot underneath your collar, Nialler "?! :D

Niall:,, Loooouuuiiiiis !. "

*also from the hallway*

Zayn:,, He just speaks the truth, bro!!

*Celine and Lilly giggle*

Lilly:,, Do not worry, we can get it presentable within a minute... Celine, towel ?. "

Celine:,, towel !. "

Lilly:,, Hair gel?. "

Celine:,, Hair gel!. "

Niall : ,, Are you sure that you can do that ?."Lilly : Trust me Nialler .... " * During the prepare- Niall - for - the - stage - style procedure * * Lilly rubs Niall's hair with the towel in order to dry it * * Niall kicks like a toddler because his whole head is covered with the towel to the point where he couldn't see a thing * Niall : ,, Not so wild ! You are going to strangle me with that damn towel ! * Celine laughs her ass off * Lilly : ,, Niall ! Don't be so stubborn ... it will be much faster, if you would let me do my thing . " * 1D in the corridor ... Harry tries to look through the door lock , Zayn sticks with Liam at the door and listens, Louis holds his hand over his mouth to stop the loud laugher that tries to break free* Lilly : ,, I'm done with step 1 .. " * Lilly opens the gel tube and smeares gel in her hands to style Niall 's hair * * Niall whimpers again * Niall : ,, You pressed way too much out that tube .... now both of your hands are full of that gel, everthing will slip out of your hands.

5.* Niall runs his fingers through his hair * What will the boys think, if i can not go on stage " * Niall takes some gel off from Lilly's hands* Niall: ,, I think it will be easier like this ". * Lilly is utterly focused on styling * Lilly: ,, Like this ?. " Celine: yes ,, looks good, but ... just ... may I have a go ?. " * Celine is coming to Niall and doing something in his forelock. * * 1D in the hallway * Harry wispers: ,, This is a whole new side of Niall e get to see right now ". Zayn: , Niall is always good for surprises. " Liam: ,, pssssssstttt ..... be quiet... "* Liam grins broadly *. Louis: ,, Oh man .... that make is really hot ... I never though that ... Niall would be so straight forward and do it...with two girls ... " * Louis can no longer hold back his laughter and rolls on the floor * Harry: ,,Shut up, bro!If I can't see anything ... I want to listen what they do in there ... " * All press their ears against the door and grin * Celine: ,, Soooo, Finished !. " Lilly: ,, I think we did a good job". Niall: ,, not bad at all girls... we should totally do that again. Maybe te other boys even want to join us .. " Celine and Lilly at the same time: ,, CLEAR !. " High Five * 1D press their heads against the door in the hallway, and laugh their asses off. Louis: ,, Niall wants us to join their show hahaha xD and recommends the two to us ".: D Niall: ,, Thank you! That was really great !. " * Liam fwispers to the other boys in the hallway *: ,, Well, if he says so, then it must be right" Lilly: ,, Oh no problem ... it was really fun!

6.Celine: ,,At least we could have a bit fun! And luckily, you did not have a big problem at all! * 1D in the hallway can not hold back their laughter* Harry: ,, It seems that there is not so much to see in the pants of our dear Niall ! . "XD * Zayn laughs * Celine: ,, Then I wish you good luck for the next time! Niall: ,, Thanks to you, the appearance is indeed no longer a problem. " * Niall gives Celine a kiss on the cheek * Lilly: ,, I think everyone can have a bad day sometimes" * Celine agrees * * Louis to the boys in the hallway: ,, Yes, now I have a bad day. If we tell them that... do you think it will work? " *The boys laugh harder * Zayn:,, Niall said yes, they should do it with us too "! * Harry is grinning broadly, but Liam shakes his head * * Niall comes out of the door * Niall:,, Hey guys !. " * 1D laughs* Liam:,,You're pretty red, Horan was what what we think it was... "?!. Niall:,, Yeah, the girls have mastered their job quite well, don't you agree ?. " * Niall spins around once * * Harry stares at his crotch * Harry:,, Joa ... seems so .... " Niall:,, do you not like it "?!. Louis:,, We were not at it !. " * Celine and Lilly to the other boys of 1D * ,, Do you want to do that sometimes too, guys ?. " * One Direction except Niall * = ò.ó !!! To be continued ... ————————————————————————— ————————- Oh ohhh ...... That is why you should not eavesdrop) hahaha ... xD

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⏰ Última actualización: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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