Frypan's food is delicious! (Chap3)

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"You're the only girl"...

A mix of feelings combined with the sudden hunger made me feel sick and I felt my legs tremble. "W-what?" I asked almost in a whisper. Before I collapsed into the ground Newt grabbed me "whoa, are you okay? Alby I think she didn't eat anything yet." He looked at Alby, worried. "Let's take her to frypan's kitchen. See if he started lunch already." I was feeling better so we made our way there (I was awfully hungry...I could eat a horse!)


We entered one of the building of the glade but this one had big windows each side of the door. Inside was only two big tables that could fit an entire army in there. Probably the place where the gladers ate. On the opposite wall from the door there was all these counters with pans and plates hanging around. And a sink full of cups and silverware.

I sat on the chair closest to one of the windows and saw Alby walk towards a boy that was taking care of the mess in the 'kitchen', while Newt was next to me.

After a while Alby came to us, "listen Peggy, Frypan will bring you some food, just stay put. Newt, we should go to work. See ya later Greenie." I frowned and said "later ALBY!" And they left.

I was looking outside, because from where I was st- "Here. Enjoy your food madam." I was interrupted with a sudden voice. I turned my head and this dark-skinned boy was holding the most yummi plate of food I've ever seen! I grabbed it so fast that the boy was startled with my reaction. "I'm frypan. But I'm guessing you don't care about that...since..."

With mouth full of food I looked at him "hm...Sorry. Peggy."

I finished eating and I left the kitchen waving to Frypan with an awkward smile as he looked at me probably thinking I'm crazy. I was outside and I couldn't see Newt or Alby anywhere. I was determined to explore the glade for my own when in the distance I heard someone scream something. I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw a young and fat boy running to meet me. He came to a stop as he struggled to catch a breath " the...girl?" "Weeeeeell...I guessing I am, since I'm the only girl here!" I answered sarcastically. "Very funny. Anyway. I'm chuck. Alby said I should show you around and where you sleep and stuff, since I was the greenie before you." He said.

We were walking around the glade as Chuck was talking. He was a little silly and annoying but I could tell he was a good boy.

"We have the runners, the slicers, the med-jacks, the cooks, track-hoes, builders, baggers and Sloppers. Each group has a keeper and I guess you are gonna like Minho a lot." Chuck was saying. "Everyone always seem to like him." He said in a whisper. I gently smiled and was about to talk when I bumped against something. Well...not something.


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