Chapter 28

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I still remembered how I became this cursed creature. I still remember the pain that went through my body as my ears turned into these pointed, all-hearing ones. How my body stretched in length and how hard the new muscles tore at my weak skin. I still remember how all the senses and lights tore at my eyes, how I could see every dust, every little detail. How my fingertips were able to feel even the tiniest detail on the fabric. How I loathed all this. How I hated people whose minds I could hear. How I hated the world, for how dark it has become. How I hated Stars. 

I missed my old life so much.

The portal I came out of brought me to the next city, the next one where I would find nothing. Because I can already feel that she is not here. I closed the fire wall to the portal and made my way through the thin forest. The golden road opened my way to the huge city. The guardian who once built this city was obsessed with precious stones and gold. There is no lack of it in this city. Even the uniforms of the guards are made of thin gold, even the carriages and horse saddles are made of fine gold braid.  Aramole was like any other town. 

The golden houses are arranged one after the other, without creating meaningless labyrinths, from the smallest house to the richest - leading to the huge golden stone palace in the very center. People walked aimlessly through the city's glorious streets, continued to spend their money on useless purchases and time on pointless conversations. 

The city of gold no longer glittered, it no longer shone in its mighty colors. Because without the sun's rays, gold did not shine. When this city was built with the high Fae, magic shone everywhere, you could feel the magic in the air and buildings, people and animals.

But I was not interested in any of this. I only had one single goal in this damn immortal life and that was to find my girl. I promised her so damn much. I need to turn this all around for good.

Several days had passed and with every damn second, I felt like she was getting further away from me. Not even the magic in my soul could sense which way she was going. I will destroy that mindless guardian of souls. She will regret her existence, she will regret taking away from me only person who gave my life some meaning. The only person that soothed the magic in my veins. Without her I couldn't control my magic, without her my soul was empty, it didn't follow the white light or the stars that senselessly whispered nightmarish things. 

I was worthless without Annie.

The ball of fire in my hands spun unstoppably, but the arrow in its middle showed me the way. I just don't understand - the way to where exactly?  I had spent a useless amount of time searching in every place I could think of these days. It seemed that she had left this world completely.

I will find you . No matter where you are

I pulled my black dusty cloak tighter and headed in the direction of the arrow. No one looks my way and no one tries to stop me. I need a faster way to move because the fire portals I was running through were too tiring. I need a horse, at least until I can find Annie. 

I went deeper into the city, where people's clothes were covered with gold all around. Their hair sparkled with jewels and I could bet anything i have that even their trouser pockets glittered with gold.

The lit streets were full of people. 

Near the palace, I could smell the horses. A merchant was trying to tame a black, wild and untamed stallion. The horse's black mane was thrown in all directions, its strong legs kicked the ground in the air and tried to hit those around it. A strong flame burned in his eyes, and one glance between our eyes and I knew - that stallion is mine!

The merchant tried to restrain the black stallion, but the horse looked not only much smarter, but also abnormally strong. 

"How many gold pieces for that untamed beast?" I asked the merchant.

"He's not for sale. Too untameable." He answered louder than usual. "He'll be slaughtered at midnight tomorrow." He will be of greater use to the meat than to the riding."

They didn't try to tame such a good and strong horse, but they already wanted to kill it? 

"I will give you seven pieces of gold for him." I didn't take my red eyes away from him. "What kind of breed is he?" 

The merchant's old eyes looked at me with confusion. His thoughts were flying everywhere and he reeked of fear.  "Black Aramolian stallion. The very best and strongest breed that can be found on this continent." He tried to restrain the black horse with a leash. "I want ten gold pieces for him." The greedy bastard. I dropped ten pieces of gold into his hand and took the leash from his hands. The uncontrollable eyes of the black beast stared into my soul. 

I will take care of you. I put my hand to his muzzle and sent him warmth and my thoughts. The horse calmed down immediately, at least a little. The old merchant went over our deal in his mind.

"I'm going to need a saddle." I looked at him. "The best riding equipment you have here."

"It will be very expensive, sir." His old blistered hands trembled. The fear in him of my strong body was shaking.

"Did I mention money at one point? No." I felt his heart pounding. "Get moving!"

While his staff was looking for my equipment I looked around. People here were so quiet and peaceful. Even with all the darkness that lives in this city, they did not try to submit to it, rather they coexisted. Maybe I should have brought Annie here instead of that fucking dark city. Next time, I won't make such a big mistake. Next time I won't give in to my weakness and Amelia's screaming white soul and those eyes... 

Amelia's presence had stunned me. Her smooth skin and soul, which I could feel so alive and willing. Her entire appearance blew me to pieces. Something was burning between the two of us, only I couldn't tell which one was burning more.

For fucks sake! I have Annie!

The workers slowly and carefully, fearing my beast, wrapped the equipment around the horse and I gave each of them a gold piece. I attached my bags to the straps as well and was ready to get out of this shithole. "That will be another ten pieces of gold." The merchant stood next to me. I didn't say a word threw the pieces into his hand and went away with my horse. The horse was walking easily through the streets of the city, I could feel his calm mind and untamed spirit. But he was not a monster that could be simply slaughtered. He just wasn't suited for jerks like them. This beast was mine, his soul and mine were alike. Like two sides of the same coin.

After buying food for myself and my beast, I was ready to go to the next town. Whatever my soul may know and feel about Amelia, she will regret what she has done to me. I went back through the gate I came through to go back into the woods. It was still a good few hours before total darkness, by which time I would have made it to the next town. The black beast was completely calm. In order to stay that way, I turned right to the smallest street, so that unnecessary people would not stare in our direction.

Something in the air shifted and I grabbed the hilt of my sword. The horse next to me didn't make a sound. I could feel his magic without even looking at him, his scent wrapping around my fire like an ocean.

"Hello Pete." A voice behind me softly whispered a greeting. 

This week couldn't get any more hateful.

I drew my sword slowly turning towards him. "Lorance." His sky blue eyes sparkled as a deadly smile appeared on his lips.

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