Chapter 5: The mystery resolved

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It was surreal. He was the last person I expected to come knocking on my window. I opened my mouth to respond but frowned and pursed my lips. After the last time, I didn't think I felt particularly friendly. He didn't seem perturbed by the cold treatment and proceeded to pull his large frame inside. He was tall, intense and strangely out of place in my baby blue room.

"Bad dream?"

I grit my teeth.

"As if you care."

My tone invited an argument but he didn't take the bait. He had the wisdom to look apologetic.

"Look.. I know how all of this looks. Especially from your perspective."

Did he? If only he'd heard all the crazy theories my mind had come up with. It was good he couldn't read minds - unless the vampire theory was true and he turned out to be Edward Cullen. An Indian equivalent, of course. Maybe Arjun Kapoor? I almost giggled. I looked up and saw the confusion on his face.

"Something funny?" I shook my head and brought back the facade of cold indifference on my face.

He sighed and ran a hand through his now messy looking hair. It didn't seem like it was the first time he had done this either. Perhaps he had contemplated long and hard about visiting me before taking the leap.


I almost pitied him when he looked frustrated, but my pride wouldn't let me give in. But I did offer him a rope by asking him the obvious question (as opposed to letting the awkward silence stew).

"What did you want?"

I still sounded stern and was proud of myself. Especially since his intense eyes had brought conflicting emotions - scorching anger at being ignored and butterflies in the pit of my stomach that I couldn't explain. Or maybe I could and knew it was stupid. But, despite all that, I held my own.

"I'm sorry, Mika. I should have handled things better. I'm sure you had a lot of questions that day."

Hold up - he knew my name! Why did that come as a surprise? More importantly, he knew my nickname.

"What is your name?"

He looked amused. "That's the one you're going with?"

It only made sense that I knew his name! Maybe not the most important of the mysteries that needed solving but I was tired of calling him Mr. Burly.

I only shrugged in response.


"Anamika. Though I prefer Mika."

"I know."

"Question is - why do you? Why do you know my name? Why were you following me that morning? Who are you? Who were they?"

The words rushed out all at once, each question more urgent than the previous one. I felt raw, emotional, hyper - no longer in control. I needed to know.

He was looking at me with those piercing eyes once more. I wondered if he'd brush me aside and refuse to answer any of my questions. But instead he nodded towards the bed indicating that I should take a seat. Without a word, I complied. If he was going to end the mystery for me, I was going to be on my best behavior. He pulled my revolving study chair and sat down opposite to me.

"You might not like it."

I didn't respond and waited for him to go on. Did I mention he had a pleasant voice?

Ok. It was time to admit (maybe more to myself) that I had a massive crush on Mr. Burly - Kabir. Whoever he was. The fact that he had tried to save my life (and succeeded) was probably the main factor (transference?). The entire notion went against the feminist ideology I believed in (my review on sleeping beauty: "I mean, come on! Hero coming to a damsel's rescue? Why can't these stories change!"). I winced remembering the exasperation in my voice as I had spoken those words. I had been so indignant.. So righteous. So sure of how the world should be. So angry at women who loved such fantasies.

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