The Day I Meet Francis.

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1. Identify the explorer, his country of origin, intended and actual destinations, and his motivation and reputation before and after his voyage.

Marilyn's Point Of View.

It was just another day for me. I'm at work doing my job. I do historical research for the Historical Archives. My latest project: "Sir Francis Drake." My boss asked me to find out about his time Circumnavigateing the Globe.

I continue to find all of the facts my job requires.

**An Hour Later**

I saw a flash of blinding light and heard an ear piercing noise. Everything around me went white and I felt a cool breeze that caused me to shiver. When I could open my eyes again I was not in my office in New Jersey. I looked ahead and saw water. A whole bunch of water. When I looked around I saw I was on a dock.

~~~In the past (1577)~~~

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw a man that looked to be in his late 30's. (37). He looked to be many years older than me. I got a major deja vu moment. It was him. It was Francis Drake. That's when it caught up with me. I looked around and saw that everything was different.

This was not my home or my century. He looked at me in confusion. "Are you lost?" He asked. My eyes widened. "What...? What year is this? And where are we?" I asked him. He frowned but answered. "It's 1577 and we are in England."

I nodded. Okay so it seems he is about to go around the world. I nodded and leaned against a post. He looked at me and shock his head. He held his hand out to me, "Come with me. We can talk and I can help you out." I looked at his hand and took it.

We walked over to a bench and sat down. "My name is Francis Drake," He started, "I live here in England. Elizabeth the first has asked me to circumnavigate the globe soon and I am suppose to raid some Spanish holdings while I am on my voyage then come back here to England. And quite honestly I am only going on this voyage because I am stuck with my pride. I want to be know as the guy that went around the globe successfully for the second time."

I stop him right there. "You mean your motivation to go on a long voyage that could get you killed is your pride?" I asked him dumbfounded. He grimaced and then nodded. Okay then. Moving on.

"Well," He continued, "I am pretty well know among the people and captains around here. I went on many trips with my second cousin John Hawkins. Then in 1572 I planned an attack on Isthmus of Panama. And done many more trips and joined other voyages. So that's my life."

I nodded my head in response to him. He really has his stuff together. And that is some reputation he has for himself there.

We were talking and talking about many things. Finally it started to get dark and he was leaving tomorrow so he left and I walked around wondering how I was going to get home. Up until I saw that same blinding light and ear piercing sound.

When I opened my eyes this time I saw that I was back in my loft in Jersey. I smiled and let out a breath of relief. I'm home again safe.


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