Provided Evidence

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3. provide evidence from the modern world of his impact.

Marilyn's P.O.V

Well once I was done with that paper my boss told me I could have to day off. Being that we were almost done with our project and the rest of the team could handle the last of the work. I was sitting in my living room watching 'National Treasure' when I feel my phone start to vibrate.

I look down and guess what it says. It says "BOSS IS CALLING" so that's great.

I answer and he tells me that the rest of my team is being useless. So I need to if is the research. It's not much really but I have to find evidence of Francis Drakes impact on our world. Can't be to hard right?... Wrong. I sit in my living room by my computer trying and find dozens of sources to give evidence. It took me 1 hour and 37 minutes to find what I needed.

To send it to my boss he has asked me to text it to him so I grab my phone and sit down.

Topic: WORK

Evidence of Francis Drakes impact is the fact that we have many people living in California. His research was the cause of some people being sent to the new colonies (the US). If you were to look into some people's background you may find that they date back to England. Also their is a street named after him. The street is called 'Sir Francis Drake Blvd' witch is in Ross, California. Their is also one in San Anselmo, California. The name is still know and used but not as often. People who have jobs involving history or explores would know or do deserve for these very reasons. Sometimes a school project or maybe a holloween costume but someone somewhere will stubble and find put about him.

That's what I told by boss and he gave me the okay. This project was done and wrapped up. A good days work.

Well it's over and hope it went well. -Emily...

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