His Impact

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2. Describe the political, environmental, social, and economic impact (postitive and/or negative) of his discovery both in his home or country and the place he discovered/explored. Plus his actual destination and his reputaion after the voyage.

Marilyn's P.O.V

I'm back home now.. And yet no time has passed. I got a call from my boss. He told me he needed me to get my word done and find information about Francis Drakes impact. I rolled my eyes at my controlling boss and got to work.

He sent me a paper with six questions I need to answer.

Question number 1: Describe his political impact.

Question number 2: Describe his environmental impact.

Question number 3: Describe his social impact.

Question number 4: Describe his economic impact.

Question number 5: What was his actual destination.

Question number 6: What was his reputation after his voyage.

So that's sounds easy enough. I went to work for a good 3 hours until I was sure I had good answers. I simply listed them on paper for my boss.

Political Impact: Was a member of parliament. He helped pass many bills and was involved in many affairs. He talked for Plymouth. He was appointed in 1593 some concerning privilages that involved Fish, The poor law, a bill for fresh water to stone houses, and wounded soldiers. He was put with these so he could help the people of Plymouth. And he did. He helped soldiers and got fresh water to his people to better living conditions as the days went by.

Environmental Impact: Land was found and claimed by Drake and now people live there. They can grow their owe food, live with their families and raise animals and kids. People can visit the land.

Social Impact: He found and claimed Nova Albion, and it is now a historical landmark where people can visit. Their was a T.V shoes and a documentary made about him. One documentary made about Francis was 'Drake of England' witch was made in 1935. One T.V show made about Francis was called 'Sir Francis Drake' at that was aired in 1961-1962.

Economic Impact: The research Francis did for England led directly to sending people to live in the America colonies. People from England took some of their things with them. Drake also brought gold back with him to England when he went on voyages. This gold was for England and I assume it helped them grow. Like when he attacked Nombre de Dios but they had to withdraw without much loot.

Actual Destination: He went many places. Being that he had to go all around the word to circumnavigate it. He started in England. Started around the west coast of California in by what is now San Diego. Then when on to Guatulco that is today called Huatulco, New Mexico. He did end up in New Albion (Latin for "New England") witch is the place that he claimed for Elizabeth the first.

Reputation After: He was awarded knighthood in 1581 when he got back from his travels. He also became the mayor of Plymouth in 1581. Them he served in Parliament for Plymouth. He became more know and involved among the political aspect of his life.

I smiled at my work and was proud. Not only in my self but in what Francis did, and was glad that I got to meet him even if it was only for a short time.

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