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Dedicated to you for all your lovely support on not only this book but also MIL. Thank you so much.


Because of you

I never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me

Because of you

I am afraid

Kelly Clarkson- Because of you.

I got through my last two lessons without him invading my thoughts again. When I arrived home, I stripped from my school clothes and threw on some shorts and a tight V neck.

"Imogen, honey, come downstairs" my mom shouted. I bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen where my gorgeous mother was placing a batch of delicious looking cookies onto a dish.

"Ooh, what are they for?" I asked her ask I gave her hug and a kiss.

"These are for the neighbors, I need you to bring them over yourself because work has just called me in, your father is still at the law firm and your brother is out with his friends" my mother explained.

"Okay, that's fine mom. When will you and dad be back from work?"

"I'm not sure sweetie, your dad probably won't be back until late. He said they have a massive case going on but there's lots of food in the fridge or you can order something I've left some money on the counter" my mom replied. She kissed me on the cheek and walked into the hallway, putting on her shoes. I waved goodbye as she drove out of the driveway and down the road.

I grabbed myself some flip flops from upstairs and grabbed the plate of cookies before walking over to the neighbors. All the houses on this road were massive, I was blessed with parents with great jobs, meaning we could afford such luxuries but I still missed our cottage house back in Florida. The reason for our leaving weighed heavy on my mind as I knocked absentmindedly on the front door.

"THE DOOR!" I heard someone shout from inside.

"I'll get it" another person replied. The door swung open and I looked up into the eyes of Jayden. I nearly dropped the plate of cookies in my shock.

"You live here?" I asked, still shocked

"Uh yes, you moved in next door?" I nodded and then remembered why I was here.

"My mom baked some cookies for your family" I said, pushing the plate towards him. He looked down at the plate and grinned.

"I love cookies" he said taking the plate.

"And damn I love your legs" he added, casually munching on a cookie. I choked on air, my face flaming. Jayden smirked at my reaction.

"Why don't you come in? I'm sure my mother would love to meet you"

"Er sure why not" I replied. He opened the door wider and led me into the hallway. His house decor was beautifully modern, but still had a very homey feel. As we walking further into the house, what sounded like a thousand pair of feet came bounding down the stairs. My eyes widened at the site of nearly 20 males running up to us, all in just a pair of shorts.

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