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Kiss me like you wanna be loved

you wanna be loved

you wanna be loved

this feels like falling in love

falling in love

we're falling in love

Kiss me- Ed Sheeran

Jayden left, after much persuasion. I wasn't ready to talk about my past, especially with him. The only people that know are my parents, and they found out by accident. We all agreed telling my brother, Conor, would be a bad idea; I know for a fact he would have killed him and I couldn't let that happen.


I crept into my house as silently as possible, hoping not to wake my parents. My face and neck was bruised and my ankle was sore, due to Scott pushing me down the stairs earlier. I deserved it. I deserved.

It was 2 o'clock in the morning I assumed my parents and brother were fast asleep. As soon as I stepped into the kitchen, I saw my parents sat at the dining table, looks of anger on their faces. Until they saw mine. Their jaws dropped with shock and my mum's eyes filled tears whereas my dad's filled with even more anger.

"Who did this to you?" my dad growled.

"N...no one" I answered, facing my head to the floor

"It was that Scott. Damn it, I knew that guy was bad news"

"Honey" my mum said. I looked up at her, tears about to spill from both our eyes.

"Oh my poor baby" she ran to me, gripping me tightly in her embrace. I held on tight never wanting to let go.


The next day came quickly. I got ready and made myself breakfast, all in a robotic manner. What happened last night really took its toll. I could feel myself slowly going back to the state I used to be and I really didn't want that to happen.

The door knocked and I knew it was Jayden, he had told me last night he was going to pick me. Planting a smile on my face; I went to open the door. Jayden stood there, looking oh so delicious with his bad boy leather jacket, black school pants low on his hips and a tight white school shirt that I could see his defined six pack through. Only he could make a school uniform look so good.

"Close ya mouth babe, you'll catch flies" he told me. I snapped my mouth shut and glared at him, before stepping aside to close and lock my front door. He rested his arms over my shoulder and once again I felt sparks shoot through me. I shivered at the feeling his mere touch was giving me.

He led me to his car, a sleek white Audi and opened the door for me. I settled in the low seat, loving the feel of the plush seats against me.

I stepped out of the car, when we arrived at school. Jayden did the same. We walked into the building together. Jayden grabbed my hand in his larger one and pulled me, gently, past the hundreds of people gathered in the corridor.

He stopped walking when we got to a deserted corridor.

"I can't keep this in anymore" he announced.

"Keep what in?" I asked, nervously

He took a deep breathe

"I really really like you. I know I haven't known you for long. But I swear it was...like at first sight" his face was slightly red and he wasn't making eye contact. I just stared at him, totally, utterly in shock.

"Say something...please?"

"I-I..." I didn't know what to say, I knew I had some feelings for him. I felt sparks whenever he touched me and he's been so nice since I first met him. He was perfect. But I just couldn't let myself fall for another guy again. After him, I didn't want to fall in love and be broken all over again. But could I risk it for Jayden, he was nothing like he was. He was a gentleman, he was kind and he was a family type of a boy. I liked him and I wanted him to know that. My confidence came to me and stepped forward, making Jayden raise his eyebrow at me. I took a deep breath and grabbed the lapels of his leather jacket. Jayden's eyes widened slightly.

"Wh-what are you doing?" he stuttered.

"Just let me do this" I whispered. I was slowly losing my confidence. I pressed my lips to his plump ones and sighed. Feeling his lips on mine, felt like home. He was my home, he was the one who was going to fix me. I knew it. I slowly let myself go and ran my hands through his hair. Jayden grabbed my hips and rested my back onto the nearest wall. The sparks I was feeling were overwhelming, I couldn't breathe. I separated our lips and rested my forehead against his.

"What was that for?" he asked me, breathlessly

"I like you too" I replied simply. His answering grin was breath-taking. I smiled back, feeling content.

"Be my girlfriend?" I bit my lip to hold in my girly giggle

"Yes...yes" I answered.

"Kiss me" he said. I leant down, caressing his lips with mine once again.


Holding hands we walked down the corridor at lunch towards the canteen. The feeling I had, I couldn't even describe with words. As soon as I kissed him, I just knew. I loved him. I wasn't going to tell him that it was way too earlier, but I knew I did. He was everything I was looking for. He was my soul mate.

Jayden sat down at 'our' lunch table, and I went to the queue to grab my lunch. When I was in the line I felt a hand on my butt. I whipped around seeing a very smug boy.

"Don't touch me" I gritted out

"Oh baby, don't act like you didn't like it" his hand reached out again to grab my butt but I slapped it away.

"Stay away from me" I told him. The boy just smirked and came closer pressing himself against me. I pushed him away but he grabbed my wrist.

"You're a little tease. You were asking for it in your tiny little skirt and trust me, slu.t. You'll get it" I ripped my hands from his grip and slapped him across his face. The sound echoed of the walls and this caught everyone's attention, including Jayden's.

He was stood next to me in a flash.

"I suggest you apologise to my girl and move the fu.ck out of our way" Jayden said, deadly calm.

The whole canteen was quiet, waiting for the next move.

"Your girl was asking for it" the guy said. Jayden's fist whipped out and smacked him right in the jaw. The guy dropped to the floor and the whole canteen gasped. Jayden bent down, grabbing the guy by the throat.

"You wanna repeat that?" he growled

He was met with silence.

"That's what I thought" Jayden said. He pulled the guy up on his feet, by his throat and pushed him back slightly.

"Apologise. Then get the fu.ck out of here"

"I...I'm sorry" the guy said before scurrying out of the canteen. I stared after him in shock as did the rest of the school.


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