⋆⁺₊⋆ fight or flight ⋆⁺₊⋆

109 7 8

Anne pov

I looked in the mirror. My outfit was Halloween themed all the way. I quickly finish lacing up my doc martins and pick up my keys.

I walk down to Marcys dorm. Me and Marcy have been dating for a couple of months now. We reunited when we noticed we were going to the same college. I knock on her dorms door and wait for her to answer.

"Annie!" Marcy swings the door open and jumps into my arms. "Are you ready for the best date ever?" I kiss her on the forehead. "Of course I am!" I take her hand in mine and we walk to my car.

It's a nice car, just enough seats for me and Marcy. Plus some friends! We get in the car and Marcy immediately takes control of the music.

"Smoking cigarettes on the roof"
"You look so pretty and I love this view"

Marcy silently sways back and forth. Her black hair sways with her.

"We fell in love in October"
"That's why, I love fall"
"Looking at the stars"
"Admiring from afar"

I pull into the drive through. "Oo can I get a mint chocolate chip shake!" Marcy squeals almost jumping out of her seat. "Yes, yes you can Mars." I sneak a kiss and start to order. "Can we get a strawberry milkshake and an mint chocolate chip shake?" We pull up to the window where I pay and hand Marcy her shake.

We finally get to the haunted house. I park the car and turn it off. "I seriously can't believe I agreed to come here." I sigh taking Marcy's hand in mine. "Don't worry Anna-banana, I Marcy Wu, will protect you!" She puffs up her chest trying to look tuff. I giggle and we walk up to the house.

I hand the clerk the $5 and she guides us to the door. "Watch out! This house is filled with vampires!" She says clearly enjoying the part she plays. She opens the door and I'm immediately terrified.

There's thunder shaking the ground. There's candles lighting up the hallways. "Dude, this is so cool!" Marcy takes the lead dragging me down the hallway. There's an ominous laugh in the background. A sense of fight or flight kicks in. I turn to Marcy, I have to keep her safe.

"Annie, your eyes are glowing." Marcy turns worried squeezing my hand three times. "Oh sorry.." Sometimes I forget that we aren't in Amphibia and she doesn't need protecting. This castle like setting is bringing up some unwanted memories.

We turn a corner and see two shadows. They quickly run out of the light. I shiver. "We got two, jackpot!" A weirdly familiar voice speaks from behind. Marcy let's out a giggle and continues dragging me through the hallway.

"Gotcha!" A person pops up behind me and out of pure reflex I punch them in the face, blue following behind my fist. "Oh frog, I'm so sorry!" I whip around to see them stumble against the wall. "Oh crap!" Marcy hurried to my side. "Hey don't worry about me, this happens all the time!" The vampire reassures and starts to toddle off.

I follow after them repeating that I'm sorry all the way out of the house. "Im gonna be fine!" They say again and again. "No your not fine! I just punched you in the face!" I start to freak out. "Annie, your hyperventilating." Marcy says putting her hand on my shoulder.

I can't help but notice the blonde vampire cocks her head at the name. "Im just so sorry!" I feel tears beginning to form. We make it to an undecorated room. "What happened?" A woman turns to the vampire. "Got a little punch, nothing drastic. Oh you guys can leave too." The vampire walks over to the table to get something to take the makeup off. Marcy chuckles. "Annes not gonna leave until she knows your ok."

The vampire sits in a chair and begins to take the makeup off. I have yet to really see the vampires face. "Sounds like someone I used to know. Always caring for others.." The vampire stumbles on the last sentence. She then begins to take off the makeup. A familiar scar is uncovered by the makeup. Familiar blue eyes turn to me.


Fight or flight / SashannarcyWhere stories live. Discover now