⋆⁺₊⋆ awakening ⋆⁺₊⋆

40 4 1

Anne pov

What the frog. Reuniting with Sasha was amazing but do I seriously have to feel that way around her? I love Marcy but seeing Sasha again really awakened something in me that I forgot about years ago.

Is it wrong to feel this way for Sasha while I'm in a relationship? Of course it is! Why would I even ask that! Wait isn't there polyamory? I'll find out more tomorrow it's frogging late.

I wake up to the sound of Clover's alarm clock. At this point I don't bother getting myself an alarm clock. I get out of bed and pick out my outfit for the day. It's a black dress with purple cats on it.

I set a sticky note on Clovers bedside table. "Going somewhere to eat with Marcy, no food fend for yourself. :)" I grab my tote bag and make my way over to Marcy's dorm.

I knock on the door to be greeted by Marcy. "Anna-banana!" Marcy falls into my arms. "Im so hungry!" I giggle. "That's why we are going out to eat doof!"

We both get into my car. Marcy plugs in her phone and music starts playing. "This is one of my favorites!" I start to sing along.

"If I could begin to be
Half of what you think of me
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love"

I sway back and forth to the beat.

"When I see the way you act
Wondering when I'm coming back
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you"

The sunrise gives the car an orange glow.

"I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you"

I take Marcys hand in mine. She squeezes three times.

"Look at you go
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I'm so special"

My eyes glow to many emotions.

"If I could begin to do
Something that does right by you"

Like hate.

"I would do about anything
I would even learn how to love"


"When I see the way you look
Shaken by how long it took"


"I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you"


"Love like you
Love me like you"

And of course love, the main thing a hearts known for.

I pull into the restaurant parking lot. "You ready?" Marcy nods and we both get out of the car.

We walk in and get seated in a booth. "Sooo what made you want to take me out to eat?" Marcy leans against the table. "What am I not allowed to take my amazing girlfriend out to eat!" I laugh. "No of course you are! It's just that.. is something happening?" Marcy gets kinda serious.

I think of a way to tell her. "Well Mars, I've been thinking that.. frog this is hard to say." She looks at me sincerely. "I think I'm polyamorous.."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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