Story 3: Love Letters To The King

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"Behind gym after school"

"Again?" asked Sugawara as he stared at the letter in Kageyama's hands.

"Ya, but this letter only says 'I Love You'." said Kageyama confused of who would send a letter with no name.

"Do you know who it's from?" asked Tanaka as he went closer to Kageyama and glanced at the letter in his hands.

Kageyama quickly pulled the letter to his chest not wanting anyone to see it. He folded the letter and put it carefully in his pocket.

"If I knew who it was from I'd probably wouldn't need your help." said Kageyama as he looked over to Sugawara for advice.

"Well looking at the letters you've showed me before it looked like this was a letter from someone you've never gotten before because the writing is messier than the others." said Sugawara as he glanced at the envelope it came in that Kageyama was holding in between his fingers."And the envelope it came in was also different from the others that were usually red or pink. This one was dark blue and the person forgot to put their name or it was on purpose."

"Your right, but that doesn't help us." said Daichi taking the envelope and scanned it for a name.

A few minutes later Kageyama, Sugawara and Daichi were still searching for a name on the letter and envelope, while everyone else were sitting on the benches waiting for them as Hinata walked into the gym out of breath.

"Sorry guy I was caught up with something." said Hinata caching his breath as he walked to Kageyama, Daichi and Suagwara who were starting to get frustrated with the letter.

"Hinata!" yelled Kageyama frustrated."Do you know who sent this letter!"

Kageyama held the letter to Hinata's face. Hinata stop talking completely while his palms started to sweat.

"N-No." said Hinata as he went to change into his volleyball clothes.

The rest of practice Kageyama was to focused on the letter and missed most of his tosses which most of them hit Hinata in the face.

"Ughh that really hurt!" said Hinata as he rubbed his cheek trying to soothe the pain.

"Sorry." said Kageyama as he rubbed the back of his head and used his other hand to help Hinata off his butt."Let's call it a day."

They got changed and went to there lockers to get the rest of their things before leaving.

"Don't forget Hinata about tomorrow's morning practice..." said Kageyama as he opened his locker." or else I'll personally come to your house and throw you out of bed my......"

When Kageyama opened his locked five letters fell out of it, all of them had a letter and number on them. One with B1, another with H3 on it, another with D6, another with Y8 and the last one was I4. Kageyama opened all the letters and the all of them came in a dark blue envelop and they all read 'I Love You' with no name.

"What the fuck!" yelled Kageyama as he slammed his locker door with as much power as he could.

"What happened?" asked Hinata as he approached Kageyama and saw five letters on the floor."Wow... You must be really popular.."

"This is all from the same person! And again there is no fuckin' name!" said Kageyama as Hinata laughed a bit."What?! Why are you laughing!"

"Well what I want to know is how your secret admirer got into your locker without breaking your lock or your locker." said Hinata with a grin on his face.

"Who gives!" said Kageyama as Hinata's grin turned into a frown."What do these letters and numbers mean!"

"Maybe there a code and your secret admirer is giving you some letters at a time and maybe when your admirer gives you all the letters it spells something." said Hinata.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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