Chapter two

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There was a dragon named Cricket Clock. He was a grim wing, One that was almost dark brown in color. His wings and horns the color of copper. Most dragons knew him for having a very bad burn that covered almost his entire face. He just finished with his job at the Library, and he was going to visit his childhood friend, Electric Show.

He was walking down the snowy path, thinking about how long it had been since he'd seen his friend. It had been five years since they talked. Cricket Clock had gotten a letter from his friend, telling him he had something important to tell him, but Cricket Clock hadn't got to read the letter. He was very busy. He felt bad that he never got to read the letter.

He was almost at the theater, where his friend told him to meet him at.

He arrived to the theater and entered though the doors. In front of him, he saw a desk with papers on top. He looked around, but saw no dragon. He was confused, wondering where his friend was at. Was he early or was he late? He didn't know.

Then he heard a laughter, "My friend you're finally here! It's nice to see you again!" Cricket Clock turned around and saw his friend. His friend was the color of stone, and had baby blue colors on his back legs and front, and some on his body too, and some dark blues. Small electric crystals from his chin led all the way to his tail. He had snow white hair that was short and wavy on his back and head. He also had a scarf on his neck. "Electric Show! For a second I thought you weren't here" Cricket Clock said, with a smile on his face. Electric Show walked towards his old friend, and greeted him with a hug.

"I haven't seen you in years how you been" Electric show said, with joy. "I've been great, taking care of the library and helping other dragons," Cricket Clock said. "That's nice to hear. Anyways, would you like to take a look around my theater" Electric show said, walking towards the doors that led to the theater.

"This is your theater?" Cricket clock said, with surprise in his voice."Yes, indeed my friend. I built this theater wiith some help from the Queen's planners and guards. The planner's helped with what the building will look like inside and outside, and the guards helped with making sure that the building doesn't get sabotaged or destroyed," Electric Show said, with pride.

"I never knew that. How come you never told me?" Cricket Clark said. "Well, I Wanted to surprise you. I thought it would be great since you like shows and music," Electric Show said, with a smile on his face.

"Well, I thank you!" Just as Cricket Clock said, that Electric Show put his talons on the doors on the doors to the theater and opened them. They both walked in and Cricket Clock was amazed. The theater looked new, like it had been built yesterday. The theater looked beautiful. The seats were clean, and everything was shining., The color pallete for the theater was nice too.

"This is the most beautiful theater I have ever seen in my life! How long did it take you to build this?" Cricket Clock asked, with a smile on his face. "Well it took over 5 years. If it wasn't for the guards and planners from the Queen, it would've taken 10 years to build this place" Electric Show said.

Cricket Clock was impressed. Impressed, by the fact that he convinced the Queen to help him with the theater. "How did you convince her to help you?" he asked.

"Well I pitched the idea to her. I told her how nice it would be to have a theater in town" Electric Show said, with pride in his voice. "Well that's amazing, How many visits hace you had?" Cricket Clock asked. "Well I've had 200 visits already" he said, with a grin on his face,."Well that's amazing! I'm proud of you" Cricket Clock said.

"Well thank you, I am Proud of myself two. I actually didn't expect this much visits" Electric show said.

After that they both started talking about their lives and what's been going on. They both had a wonderful time together, but soon it was time for them to depart again. Cricket Clock promised he'd visit again tomorrow. He started to go home but stop by the market. When he got to the marketplace he accidentally bumped into a dragon.

"Oouch!" shrieked the unknown dragon, dropping something. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you" Cricket Clocks said, with a sad tone. He looked at dragon that he accidentally bumped into, and he was stunned. The dragon was a famous dragon. She was one of the most beautiful dragons and had the most beautiful singing voice to top it off.

The dragon he bumped into was named Siren Fruit. She was a Feather Wing. She had the color and markings of a dragon fruit. On one of her horns was a shiny ring. "It's ok darling. Accidents happen" Siren Fruit said, with a calm voice "Oh, well, I'm still sorry I bumped into you" Cricket Clock
said , again with a sad tone. "It's OK darling. Like I said, accidents happen" she said, while picking up the item that she dropped. "Oh no my book is ruined. This was the last copy I could get" Siren Fruit said disappointed, and sadness on her face.

"What type of book is that?" Cricket Clock asked, "Oh well, it was about a dragon who fell in love with a God, but couldn't. He would have todo many challenges to be with the God" she said, with a blush on her face. "Oh, we actually have a ton of copies of that book at the library I own" he said. "Really? You don't mind taking me to your library, so I can get a new copy? Would you?" she said. "Sure, I can take you there. Follow me" Cricket Clock said as he began walking to his library, Siren Fruit following behind.

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