chapter five

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Today was today that the performance would happen today, it took 2 months for the script to be done and now today was the performance, cricket clock was honestly nervous since this was his first script and he took time to make sure there's no incorrect errors on a script, he felt his anxiety and stress, he felt like he was going to fail the whole theater if he messed up the script, what would electric show and siren fruit think.

"Hey cricket clock are you excited for today performance?" Electric show said bursting through the door. Cricket clock look behind himself a bit shocked that he burst through the door "oh my friend I am very sorry for if I spooked you. I'm just excited that today is the day of the performance!" He said with joy in his voice and excitement, and it was quite clear that he couldn't wait to start the performance, there were dragons that were waiting and getting ready for the performance to start.

"I don't know" cricket signed "I know I did a script but what if I met something up, and the whole thing becomes a failure" cricket clock said, he wasn't sure what to feel he knows he was happy for electric show, but he was scared that he probably messed something up in the script and the whole thing be ruined. he felt like he wanted to cry it was stupid but he just felt like it. "mate, it's okay if you don't want to be here to see it I understand. it's okay for you to leave and come back later" electric show said with less excitement but with comfort and reinsurance. The crystals on him glowed less as he got closer to cricket "are you sure this is your big day?" cricket said with a shaky voice as tears begin the show "mate. there's no need to cry I understand that you're stressed. but it is okay for you to not be here if it's making you stress badly"

cricket clock looked at him surprised "are you sure? this is your big day I don't want to rui-" cricket clock was cut off by electric show "You're not ruining this for me. I want to let you know, I don't care if it's my big day. you encouraged me to go for it, and I went for it. and even when we drifted apart we still came back to each other, and I still care about you deeply. So if this is making you stressed badly then you can leave you don't have to stay here it's your choice, I'm not making you stay here if that's the case." electric show said while putting a claw on crickets shoulder, electric show really did care for him and gave cricket a choice.

cricket clock thought for a moment. then decided "Yes. I want to leave, but then come back later" cricket clock said "okay. I understand but please come back when you're ready" electric show said, lifting his claw off of cricket's shoulder and then standing up "okay I'll try, thank you for understanding" cricket clock said with a soft smile "sure thing mate" electric show said walking away and towards the doors that led behind the stage to the theater. cricket clock got up from where he was sitting when electric show left the room, then he left himself from the back doors to the whole theater and took a walk outside. the air was as cold as it was always, snow fell from the sky and lay on the ground where it would pile up. it felt nice to get some fresh air, normally cricket would always stay in his library no matter what and now in the theater too. but maybe he should be going out more it was always nice and relaxing and calming to him.

cricket clock couldn't wait for this performance to go well, today was the Queen herself that would be at the theater itself. he really did Hope it would go well. he kept on walking, he stopped by the store to get something to eat then walked back to the theater. while walking back to the theater he saw something shiny on the ground. he pick it up and saw it was a crystal a electric crystal, he wondered how it got here "how did this get here? aren't they supposed to be found in caves?" he said to himself. but for all he knows a electric wing could have chipped one of their crystals and probably didn't even notice "Oh well, I'll probably keep it. I better get back to the theater" he said as he kept on walking.

eventually he made it back to the theater and went inside. and he was right on time since the show had ended. he went to the backstage where siren fruit, electric show, and viper eyes were. "Hi guys. how was the performance, did it go well?" he said excitedly but also nervously "it did, it went absolutely marvelous darling!!" siren fruit said happily. "Indeed it did, Right now The queen wants to talk with us" electric show said. Viper eyes just nodded in agreement. After a few minutes the Queen walked behind the theater, The queen was a beautiful light blue and white color, with blue galaxies to match. She had curved horns too. She cleared her throat before she spoke. She praised the show, and how beautiful and wonderful it was. "Honestly darling, I haven't had a good story told in a long time since I was a little dragonet" she said still praising electric and viper and siren. "And I would like to know who wrote it, it was a beautiful story told in acting and singing. So tell me dear who is this dragon that wrote it" she said looking at three of them with wonder in her eyes. "Will you see my fellow queen, it was actually my friend over here who is behind us three" he said as he immediately went behind cricket clock and pushed him towards the queen.

"Well aren't you an interesting looking dragon.
it's nice to meet you, and who might you be?" The queen said as she lowered her voice, She could tell the dragon was nervous "well I'm cricket clock. I'm the one who wrote the script, story, and music" he said as he shook the queen's talon."well it's nice to meet you too cricket" after a while of chatting and talking about the script, and what went through the play to make it beautiful and wonderful. eventually the queen had to leave, She said her goodbyes as she left the backstage of the theater.

"Well that was a long chat, say. how about we all go out and get some fruits and meats to eat." she stretched her wings open as she yawned. "Yeah I agree, how about when we go to that restaurant that just opened yesterday" electric show said as he got up. Every dragon in the room nodded their heads, They all got up and got their things and closed the theater after making sure nobody in the theater was left. They made sure they got their stuff and left for the restaurant and later to their homes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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