What Happened?

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I didn't put this through a grammar checker, sorry 💀 I might tomorrow

I was happy we were now officially dating, but I'm still worried about what kids at school will say. I think my best bet is to keep
my personal life private. That way, I can still be a star and date Rui! I'll just ask Rui if we can keep this relationship secret..

A day later Tsukasas pov

I yawned as I woke up in my room. The light from my roof glared down on me. Luckily I was discharged last night. Saki was a utter mess the whole time sense she was still so exhausted. I still felt bad about everything. But after a good nights rest I felt optimistic again.

I was looking forward to going to school and seeing Rui, my new boyfriend! I blushed at the thought but only for a second. But now that I think about it... I never asked him to keep it under wraps. This relationship could ruin me! I can't let everyone else find out about it...

It's still feels a little early to be going back to school but... I thought it was for the best to go as soon as possible. As I got ready for school I thought about all the shit I've pulled the past couple of days. It wouldn't shock me if someone was mad at me. I don't want the whole school knowing about any of this so I just hope no one said anything.

At school

I sat down at my desk and looked out the window. Rui wasn't here yet which made me a little sad if I was being honest. Luckily I haven't heard anyone talk about me which was a huge weight off my shoulders. I heard conversations start up as more and more students slowly arrived. A couple people greeted me and asked me where I was yesterday, which I just replied with a smile that I was sick.

I heard the clicking of shoes on the slick floor approaching me. I thought it was just going to be another one of my peers asking me where I've been, but when I looked I saw Rui looking... strange. Part of his hair was messily pulled into a miniature pony tail at the side. The rest of his hair laid in no particular way framing his face. His school uniform had been pulled to the side and buttoned irrationally in every way except for the way that was correct.

I heard a couple people snicker around the room, likely making fun of his obviously poor get up. I stared in partial disbelief and concern. "Tsukasa! It's so great to see you here!" Rui excitedly announces, a bit too loudly. The sudden remark likely brings more attention to his questionable appearance. I slump down in my seat a little as the tension in the room intensifies.

When Rui comes closer I can see prominent dark circles under his eyes. His hair definitely hasn't been brushed, and his composure is deteriorating with every step he takes. "Rui...! I- Stay there!" I get up from my desk quickly and rush to his side. "Tsukasa-"
"shhh... Just come with me, okay?" I take off my cardigan and wrap it around his shoulders in a desperate attempt to hide his horrific uniform. It doesn't quite cover it all, but it covers enough that people in the halls probably won't notice.

I put one of my arms around his waist and gently lead him out of the classroom. Rui let's me lead the way as he slowly moves. His lips part slightly and I can see his eyes flutter a bit as he struggles to keep them open. "What did you do...?" I ask but Rui only groans in response. "It's okay, we're almost there." I try to comfort him but my words probably sound lack luster.

I lead him into the mens bathroom and then into a stall. I lock the stalls door behind me as Rui finds a spot to lean against the wall. "Rui... Come here." I open my arms wide for him, which he graciously accepts as he embraces me fully.
"Love... you..." Rui quietly mutters into my shoulder. He's never been this cute, but I want to get straight to the point.
"Rui, did you sleep last night?"
"I was excited... and... I couldn't sleep so... I made some new inventions..."

I sighed at his unfortunately believable reasoning.  It's not that I wanted him to lie or something, but this was just too honest for Rui. I guess he can't think straight- good enough to tease me. Ruis warm arms feels secure around me and I smile a bit to myself.

"Okay well, we should get you cleaned up." I pull away from the embrace and Rui visibly winces at the loss of warmth. "Let's see here..." I run my fingers through his hair, doing my best to 'comb' it. I take out the miniature pony tail and smooth out the hair. Ruis eyes are fully shut by this point, and I think he might honestly be asleep. I take my cardigan off of his shoulders and put it back on me. After I buttoned mine I looked go Ruis cardigan and shirt. It was so badly buttoned I'd have to undo it all just to redo it...

I began to unbutton his cardigan and I saw Ruis eyes flutter open. "Tsukasa...?"
"Shhh... I have to redo the buttons." My fingers expertly un did every button of the cardigan. Now I could see his button up shirt, which was frankly just as bad as his cardigan was. I began to unbutton it but Rui moved one of his hands to mine and held my wrist in place to stop me. "Rui...?"
"Tsukasa darling, what are you doing?"
"What do you mean? I'm fixing your shirt-"

The next thing I knew Ruis lips where pressed against mine. The soft kiss lasted only a few seconds but it was enough to leave me flustered. "I'll do it myself..." Rui mumbled as he let my wrist go and started to fumble with the buttons. I guess undoing buttons is easier then buttoning them because Rui was able to successfully unbutton his shirt. Only instead of leaving it like that he began to take the shirt off entirely.

"Rui!" I blushed a deep shade of red and I frantically tried to pull the shirt back onto Rui. He hadn't actually managed to get it completely off of him but he was definitely getting there. Rui looked at me with a puzzled expression but allowed me to pull the shirt back over him and begin buttoning it up.

"I swear... We want the shirt on! Not off!" Rui looked down to me while I messed with his buttons. I heard him chuckle which made me relax a little. After his shirt was in I pulled his cardigan over his arms and buttoned it. "There! I did a great job!" I bashed in my glory and I admired my work. "I wouldn't expect any less from a world future star..." Rui said quietly but it was obvious it was taking all his energy to even make a bit of conversation.

I open the stall door and begin to leave while holding onto Ruis hand so he doesn't get lost. "Right, now let's-" I hear the squeak of the bathroom door as in steps Akito just in time to see me leaving the stall with Rui. I feel my face go pale as I realize the situation. I know how bad this looks, and after what happened the other day at school...

"Normally I'd tell you to keep your porno out of public, but I don't want to give you too much trouble right now." He looks me in the eyes sympathetically. He looks down before speaking again, "just clean up after yourselves, k?"
"Y-yeah..." I say instantly and scury out of the bathroom with Rui.

I almost forgot about the message I sent out. I didn't even think about how they'd all be feeling right now... I feel a sense of dread wash over me as I think about it. Rui on the other hand is stumbling beside me as he struggles to walk. I'm sure he isn't thinking about anything too serious. Or really anything at all...

Once we get to our classroom I take him to his desk and sit him down. A few people are looking at us but the majority have moved on to discussing whatever the next big gossip is. "I know your tired, so how about you try sleeping during class? I'll talk to Professor Kaito about it. I'm sure he'll understand-"
"Yeah... Whatevee you say..." Ruis tone is peaceful and kind as he leans his head on me. I smile and stroke his hair a couple times before gently tapping him, signifying I'm going to move. "And.." I lean down to his ear and whisper so no one else hears, "I love you, too." With that I leave Rui and go to look for Professor Kaito. This was definitely not how I imagined my first day back, but it's honestly not that bad.

That Time I Accidentally Told You "I Love You" - Ruikasa (Tsukasa x Rui)Where stories live. Discover now