Chapter 2

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 Ila runs to the chemistry classroom, making her way through the door just as the bell rings.

"Close call, Miss Henderson," her teacher remarks as she takes her seat. Ila gets out her pencil case, sighing quietly in mental preparation for her test. Chrissy looks at her from across the room with a confused glare.

"I'll explain later," Ila mouths so her lips could be read. Chrissy nods and looks back to her desk as the student in front of her passes a copy of the test back.

After the test, Ila heads to her locker to switch books for English class. As she shuts her locker door, Jason is standing behind it, causing her to jump.

"Damnit, Jason! You scared me!"

"Sorry," he laughs. "Hey, you okay? I didn't see you in homeroom this morning."

"Yeah, I'm good. I just overslept." Chrissy then walks up and Jason throws his arm around her.

"Hey, babe. How as the test?" Jason asks her.

"Terrible. It's like Mrs. Neely wants everyone to fail," Chrissy replies.

"Yeah, for real," Ila agrees.

"So," Chrissy changes the subject. "What happened to you this morning Ila? You're never late. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just overslept. I was up late studying for that stupid test."

"I kind of gave up yesterday," Chrissy laughs.

"Normally, I would have, too, but I really need to keep by grades up if I'm going to get into college."

"Ila, I don't know why you worry. You've always been good at everything," Chrissy says. "Besides, you can get a cheer scholarship. You'll be fine."

"Yeah, you got this," Jason agrees. Just then, Dustin runs up to the group. "Oh, if it isn't the loser with no collarbones," Jason mumbles under his breath.

"Be nice please," Ila responds, hearing what he had said about her brother.

"Ila, have you seen Mike and Eddie?" Dustin asks her, not acknowledging the others. Ila pauses, trying to figure out how to answer without mentioning Eddie.

"I haven't seen Mike. Did you check the Hellfire Club room?"

"What am I, stupid? Shit, Ila, of course I checked the club room."

"Jesus, okay, Dustin."

"Well, what about Eddie? Have you seen him?"

Ila freezes and her eyes widen.

"He was in the parking lot when I saw him last."

Jason and Chrissy look at her, confused.

"You've been paying attention to that freak Munson?" Jason asks. Ila sighs, knowing she will now have to explain.

"My car broke down on the way to school. I was walking and he offered me a ride."

"Shit, Ila," Jason puts his hands on his hips and looks up at the ceiling in disgust. "Why didn't you call us?"

"I knew you guys would already be here so I wouldn't be able to reach you at home and I didn't want to make you guys late too, especially Chrissy because she was taking the same test as me. Besides, it was just a ride. Everything turned out fine."

Dustin interrupts.

"Eddie gave you a ride today? He has to be here somewhere then." He storms off.

"Ila, don't associate with freaks like Munson. They aren't anything but trouble. I heard he deals drugs," Jason says.

"Jason, my brother is a freak like Munson to you. I promise you it's fine. He was actually pretty nice."

"Whatever. I'm just saying that you shouldn't accept rides from people like him. You just never know." Jason takes Chrissy's hand. "Come on, babe, we better get to gym class."

Ila rolls her eyes.

"See you guys at the pep rally later," she says as they walk away. She turns and heads for her English class. As she rounds the corner, she bumps into someone and drops her books.

"Oh my God, I'm so sor-" she starts to say as she bends down to pick up her books and then realizes who it is.

"It was my bad, not yours," Eddie says as he beats her to the floor to pick up the books. He hands them to her.

"Thanks," she says, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ear. "Funny seeing you again."

"Well, I mean, I do go to school here, too," Eddie jokes.

"Yeah, when you want to show up," Ila rebuts, letting out a little laugh. "My brother has been looking for you. Seemed urgent."

"Yeah, I've been avoiding him. I just know he wants to bug me about postponing our campaign tonight for the game so Sinclair doesn't miss out. I don't understand why the little shit doesn't understand he just needs to find a sub."

"Eddie, he probably wants to be there to support Lucas. You guys can't just pick up your game tomorrow?" Ila asks. Eddie gasps and puts his hands to his chest.

"Never! It's the cult of Vecna! It can't and won't wait! Besides, Sinclair has been on the bench all season, not that I pay attention to that stupid ass balls-in-laundry-baskets game."

Ila tries not to smile at Eddie's analogy for basketball but lets a small smirk show.

"Oh, you totally do," she says, making Eddie blush.

"Okay, maybe a little. But just for the cheerleaders," Eddie responds. Ila gives him a little slap on the arm.

"Don't be gross, Munson!"

"Everyone says I am anyway. Might as well fit the description," Eddie says, smiling. "Anyway, normally I'm not into that kind of shit, but I might just take Dustin up on his request. It would give me a chance to get to know a certain cheerleader better."

Ila blushes.

"Oh, really?" she asks, looking at him and then down at the floor, smiling. Eddie smirks, knowing she understood his hint.

"I'll see you later, Henderson. You know, since the whole school is forced to go to the pep rally." He starts to walk away.

"See you later, Munson," Ila says, continuing her walk to class. She smiles to herself and blushes as she recounts in her head what Eddie had said. The freak definitely isn't what everyone says he is.

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