Chapter 3

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The student body is flowing into the gymnasium like cattle, sitting on the bleachers one at a time. Some are wondering around trying to find their group of friends to join. Eddie and his party of 'freaks and outcasts,' as the rest of the school would call them, come wandering in and sit on the floor against the wall away from everyone else, arms crossed, trying to make obvious their absolute disgust with being required to attend. Ila and Chrissy are seated in the front row with the other cheerleaders mentally preparing for their performance to open the event. Jason has the basketball team huddled in the middle of the gym. Lucas Sinclair can be seen scanning the crowd over Jason's shoulder, looking for his group of nerdy D&D friends he tries so hard to pretend he doesn't know. Lucas meets the gazes of Eddie, Mike, and Dustin, giving them a singular nod which they return. Jason notices.

"Don't give those freaks and their uninterested charade the attention they want, Sinclair," Jason whispers to Lucas, who glances away in thought and turns back to the team huddle. Jason doesn't know that Lucas is a member of Eddie's club and Lucas prefers to keep it that way as part of his strive for popularity. "Alright gents, this is the start to our season. Let's get people pumped and show them we are ready to dominate this year," Jason says to the team. "Alright? On three. One... two...three!"

"TIGERS!" the team shouts in unison.

Jason walks over to the announcer's table where a teacher is waiting with a microphone. He takes it and makes his way to the center of the gym, with the rest of the team standing behind him.

"How we doing, Hawkins High?!" Jason begins. Cheers fill the gym from everyone except the Hellfire group seated against the wall, with the exception of some unenthusiastic claps from Dustin and Mike in support of Lucas. Jason begins his motivational speech that Eddie doesn't bother to listen to.

"We haven't even made it to play-offs in over fifteen years," Eddie mumbles to Dustin and Mike. "Why does he act like this year will be any different?"

Dustin and Mike shrug and look towards the team where they can see Lucas watching them. They know it is important to him that they are there, even though they care about basketball about as much as Eddie does.

"Honestly, this shit is so stupid. Why do they make us suffer through this ego fest?" Eddie continues to the group, looking down at his hands in disgust and playing with his rings. "They would never let us do anything like this for Hellfire Club to pump us up for our next campaign." Jason finishes his speech, and the cheerleaders then make their way out to the center of the gym, getting in formation for their performance. The music starts and Eddie looks up from his hands. His eyes find Ila. Pom poms begin moving in unison in various directions, but Eddie is focused on one thing. He watches Ila do her dance steps and claps, slowly standing up from the gym floor, not breaking his gaze off her. Dustin and Mike watch Eddie stand up and look at each other, confused. He has never cared about anything related to sports and now suddenly, he wants to watch? Dustin follows Eddie's gaze and sees who he is looking at. He nudges him in the side, causing Eddie to lose his focus on the cheerleaders. He looks at Dustin.


"Eddie, that's my sister."

"I-I know," Eddie answers, turning a bit red in embarrassment, realizing Dustin figured out who he was watching. Dustin grabs the sleeve of Eddie's jacket and leans in to whisper in his ear.

"Seriously? You gave her one ride to school and now you are all interested in cheerleading?"

Eddie pulls Dustin away from the group so their topic of conversation can't be heard by the others.

"Henderson, if you must know, your sister is nothing like the other cheerleaders and I can appreciate that about her."

"Whatever, Eddie. I approve, just please don't hurt her. I can't be in the middle of that shit," Dustin whispers. "She needs someone that is good for her. I really do think you would be."

"Thanks, Dustin. But how do I even begin to get close to her? We are in different social classes. I can't even look at her without getting dirty looks and the bird from Jason and the others."

"Well, how did you get close to her the first time?" Dustin says, trying to get him to figure it out himself.

"I gave her a ride to school," Eddie replies.

"Right, and you two were alone."

"So I should give her more rides to school?"

"It's a start."

Eddie looks at Dustin, concerned.

"But what about you, man? She usually brings you to school. No offense but if I'm trying to get close to a girl, I wouldn't think bringing you with me would be the greatest idea."

Dustin glances at him, catching his joke and punching him in the arm.

"Don't worry about me," Dustin says, moving on. "I can get Nancy to take me. She takes Mike anyway."

Mike notices the two of them separate from the group and walks up.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Mike asks.

"Yeah. I was just telling Henderson here I started working on a new campaign for our next meeting," Eddie lied. Dustin nods in agreement, trying to help keep their topic of conversation private.

"Cool," Mike says and leans against the wall next to them. Eddie turns his attention back to Ila, but more subtly this time so Mike wouldn't notice. He already blew it in front of Dustin. The cheerleaders finish their performance and Ila scans the crowd, smiling with happiness that it went smoothly. Her eyes meet Eddie's. Her big smile falls into a shier one and she gives him a little wave. Eddie's lips form into a smirk and he winks at her. She blushes and looks down at her pom poms as she makes her way back to her seat.

After the rally, the students head to their lockers for the end of the day before leaving. Mostly everyone has headed out already, leaving the halls almost empty except for a few stragglers. Ila is digging in her locker for her math textbook to take home for her assignment due tomorrow. She finds it and shuts her locker, revealing Eddie standing behind it.

"Funny how I keep running into you today, Munson," she says, giggling.

"What a coincidence," Eddie says sarcastically. "I figured since your car left you stranded this morning, you might need a ride home."

"How thoughtful of you," Ila says with a smirk, realizing what Eddie is really up to. "Okay. Let's go."

Eddie stretches his arm out, gesturing for Ila to walk ahead of him.

"After you, milady."

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