Break and Camp Half-Blood

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Percy POV
My name is Percy Jackson,son of Poseidon,two time saviour of Olympus. Everything was going great..or as great as it could be for the life of a demigod. Annabeth and I were having a good time in college in New Rome. Well..the classes and all were still a bit difficult coz of my ADHD and dyslexia but since my wise girl is always with me,I had nothing much to worry about. We still did our training in the field of Mars so we did not get rusty,monster attacks still occur but it has mostly gotten less after we defeated Gaia.

Now where was I...Oh yeah,we are getting a 1 year break from college so Annabeth and I have decided to go to Camp half-blood. I'm also planning to propose to her but first,I need to get Athena's permission.
"Seaweed brain,hello? Percy,what are you thinking about so much?" Annabeth asked me,as we walked along the path,heading to the Principia.
"Hmm,oh nothing, Annabeth, just excited to get back to camp,I wonder how Chiron's handling everything with the new campers and all," I said,smiling.
"Well,we'll be seeing it soon,also how are we going there? Are you gonna call blackjack?" she said,lacing her hand with mine.
"I could but I also want to try out the new car that Elrick made for me,you should see it. That is one beauty,he said that I could get it today,only gotta tell him," I said,taking out my phone. I called him and asked. After a quick convo,we hung up. I looked at Annabeth and said,"Well,he said he'll be there outside the border with it. I can't wait to see it."

They arrived at the principia and went inside and saw Hazel and Frank discussing something with a map on the table.
"Hey guys,what's up?"
"Oh hey Perce,we were just talking about adding some fortifications for the next war game,you guys wanna join?" Frank asked us.
"Sorry guys but Percy and I came to say goodbye coz we were going to CHB for our year break," Annabeth told them,smiling a bit sadly. Hazel and Frank looked at each other and said,"Ah yes,sure,its no problem, we were gonna come and walk you guys to the border,anyways." I looked and said," Oh no guys, you don't..." "Yes,we do,plus a small walk won't hurt ,right?" Hazel cut me off,laughing. Annabeth smiled and said," Well,then let's go."

They walked out together, chatting and laughing about the good times they had. I looked around and saw the many new shrines and temples.
"I see Jason's idea to have all the Gods recognised is coming off smoothly," I said with with a sad smile. Frank looked at me,sighing,"Yeh,just a few more shrines and all will be complete. I heard from Piper that when she went back and forth from camp that they also had more Cabins made,you'll see them when you go. I just miss him." He put an arm around Hazel,pulling her close. "We all miss him,Frank,believe me,If i could, i would bring him back and beat him up for doing this to us," I said. We all smiled at that.
We arrived at the border a few minutes later. Terminus popped up and did his routine security check on us before letting us out. Frank looked around,saw nothing and turned to us,confused," Aren't you gonna call Blackjack to take you?Also you could have just used the gateway between the camps." I rolled my eyes and said,"I told you guys that I need to check up in my mom as well and I can do that on the way to camp,You guys remember Elryk,right,the guy I told you about,who is freakishly good with tech." "Frank and Hazel nodded. "Well,I asked him to build me a car but he has made so it doesn't attract monsters and well...just see it when he gets here." They waited and they heard the roar of an engine and I couldn't believe my eyes,he somehow managed to get me my dream car with my favourite colour,a blue Maserati Mc20 with black highlights on the hood and doors.

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