New journey begins

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Percy Pov
I was stalking a young dragon prowling near Camp Jupiter when Hermes appeared in front of me. I sighed as I whispered to him, "What's the problem now,Hermes? Can't you see I'm a bit busy here?" "Sorry Percy but it's urgent," he said to me,desperation written all over his face. I nodded and gestured for him to continue. "You see,I've got a daughter in Cali and she lives with her stepfather,who's an abusive prick. He makes her do all the work in the house ever since her mom died. Please help her out and bring her to camp," he pleaded. My eyebrows knitted in anger because if it's one thing I hate,it's abusive parents. I assured him that I will bring her safely to camp.

I fire travelled to the location,which was a low house with whitewashed walls. I heard shouts of anger and the screams of a girl as I stormed over and broke through the front door. The sight that met my eyes filled me with rage. The girl was cowering in a corner as her stepdad beat her with a coil of rope. He turned around and shouted at me,"Who the hell are ya? Breaking down my door,I'll teach you..." he started, walking over to me but in a split second,I held him by the throat as I lifted him up. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the girl run into the next room as I kept my hateful gaze upon the man. "Who do you think you are to beat up small girls and use them as your slaves? Do you know what happens to people like that?" I questioned him in a deathly calm voice. His eyes grew wide with fear as he was stunned, looking into my eyes, flames wreathed in black danced in my pupils. I threw him against the wall,drew my bow and fired 2 arrows pinning him to the wall as he let out screams of pain. I just stared at him coldly as I uncapped riptide and threw it at him. It flew and silently impaled him in the chest as his screams stopped.

I pulled riptide out,sheathed it and went to the other room,where I saw the girl hiding behind a chair. She stood up and backed away in fright,"Please don't hurt me." She had short brown curly hair with soft black eyes with scars on her arms and legs. I raised my hands and kneeled down to her height,speaking softly,"what's your name,little one?" She looked at me,"Isabella,my name is Isabella." Hey Isabella,I'm not going to hurt you,I just took care of that bad man. You want to go to someplace better than here?" She visibly relaxed and nodded as I put a hand on her shoulder and mist travelled us to my camp. I made a fire and sat next to her and asked her gently,"Are you hungry?" She nodded eagerly and asked for a pepperoni pizza and turkey tacos. I summoned them and watched with a smile as her face grew into one of happiness as she ate the food with tears running down her face. Poor kid,seems like she was starved,I will have to have a talk with uncle Hades to make sure that guy went straight to the fields of punishment. As she ate it,I told her about the Gods and that her father told me to rescue her. I mind messaged Hermes and he appeared,relief filled his face when he saw Isabella. She ran to him,"Daddy!!" He looked at me gratefully as I nodded at him and told him that she wanted to join the hunters. He nodded and I took her to the hunter's camp and dropped her off. Before leaving, she turned to me and asked if she would ever see me again, to which I just smiled and replied, " Not for a while but yes, you will see me again." I was careful not to alert my presence this time and I fire travelled away.

I appeared in front of the Empire State building and went up in the elevator to Olympus. It looked dazzling as ever but my mind did not care about the beauty as it just reminded me of the incidents. I made my way to my mom Hestia's palace,which was a brown and orange stoned one with hints of marble with the arch engraved with flaming designs. She was reading a book inside on a couch and her face lit up in a smile when she saw me. "Hey Percy,what brings you here?" "Hey mom," I said as I sat down and folded my hands,"I've made my decision." She put down her book and looked at me intently. "I want to go out into the universe." She nodded but I could see the sadness in her eyes. "So have you found the place,where you must leave Earth?" She asked,curious. "I'm going to look for it now,apparently the book did not specify exactly where it is,it did say it was somewhere on Pikes peak. I'll IM you when I find it." She nodded,"I'll come with everyone else to see you off, " she said sadly but put on a smile. I mist travelled back to my camp and packed up. I shrink my tent along with the stuff inside and put it into my backpack. I shapeshifted into a falcon and flew above as I gazed upon the valley and NY,knowing I would not see them for a long time.

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