Training,rescuing and decisions

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Percy pov

I appeared inside my tent and sat on the bed,staring at nothing,my eyes dull and filled with nothing but bitterness and betrayal. I sensed the Gods that stood up for me,appear outside my tent. "Percy?" my dad called softly as I stood up and walked out, my face contorted into an empty expression. Everyone looked at me with sadness in their eyes. "Percy,my son,I'm so sorry that all this has happened to you and we all agreed on one thing,a hero like you deserves more," they all nodded as I looked at them,part confused. They all looked at each other and surrounded me,except Hestia,chanting an incantation as power flowed from them into me as I felt more calm and relaxed for a moment but then I doubled over and gritted my teeth as the pain flared in my head for a second and then dispersed. "We all gave you our blessings,Percy," my dad said softly. I stared at them as Apollo and Hermes chuckled at my expression. "You now have full control over the seas ,you can turn water into ice and you now have the ability to shapeshift. " My dad told me. Next,Apollo said,"You have healing abilities,can use bows and arrows without a miss and light travel." Hermes said ,"You can now run faster without making a sound and you have better memory." Hades said, "You can summon the dead,shadow travel and summon precious jewels." Aphrodite said," You can summon any clothes you want and you can identify who are people's true love." I looked at them all gratefully, "Thank you to all of you once again for the powers and for believing in me," I said,giving them a smile. "I would have failed as a parent if I didn't believe you,Percy," my dad said,looking down,knowing that he was rarely there for me. I just patted his shoulder,"Dad,it's not your fault,its the ancient laws that prevented you," he looked at me with a small smile. "So what are you gonna do now,cuz?" Apollo asked. I thought about it for a while and said,"Well,first thing is that I have to train my powers and then I was thinking about rescuing demigods and bringing then to the camps," They all nodded and smiled,happy at my decision. " Well then son,we better go but I believe Hestia has something to ask you and good luck with everything, I'm proud of everything you have accomplished." My dad said with a smile as they flashed out.

Hestia turned to me nervously and asked me," Percy,you are the most loyal and humble demigod this world has seen. Would it be okay if adopt you?" My eyes widened as I smiled at her," I would love that,mom." Her face brightened up like embers in a fire,"I also would like to make you my champion." I nodded at her," I don't see any problem with that,though why me?" She rolled her eyes,saying," You are a person who never gave up hope,even when you were under extreme pressure and there is no other person in this world that I would trust more than you." I smirked and nodded as a ball of fire shot from her hand and engulfed me as I felt more hopeful. Eventhough my heart is still shattered, I felt hope flow through my body. Hestia smiled at me," You now have the power to bestow hope,summon delicious meals,flame travel and immune to fire." I smiled at her as we sat down and talked about where I was going to go." Well,mom,I was thinking about going to Alaska, training my powers there and then travel to different countries and learn some new fighting styles. " Her brow furrowed as she thought,"Very well,I think that's a great idea but try to stay low key,we don't want my brother thinking of you as a threat," I nodded grimly. I stood up and gave her a hug."Remember Percy,you are welcome to stay in my palace whenever you want,the others and I,will keep in touch with you,good luck." She said,giving me one more smile before flashing away. I then packed up my stuff and mist travelled to Alaska.

After I arrived in Alaska,I started off by training my water and ice powers. While I was trying to unsuccessfully turn some water into an ice spike,I met Khione,Goddess of snow. I had heard about her from our trio but never met her. "Percy Jackson, what is the famous hero of Olympus doing out so far in Alaska?" She regarded me with her cold brown eyes. I had this gut feeling that I could trust her but I played it safe for now. "Why is that of importance to you?"I replied,keeping one hand near my pocket. She just shrugged," Oh don't fret,if I wanted,you would already be frozen and incapacitated,plus I just wanted to help you with your ice powers. It gets boring out here and it would be nice to have some company for a while." I just looked at her,surprised as I expected her to attack and not offer her help. She gave me a small half smile as she said,"Well,don't just stand there,we have work to do. While we are at it,you can tell me what has made you so cold,it's a bad thing to have a cold heart," she said,with...concern? Maybe because she has one herself? Ì just shook my head and I followed her.
For the next month,she taught me ice manipulation and how I could use ice to break even the hardest metals.
"Everything has their own freezing point, you have to know when and which point to hit and it will just crumble like dust." She told me once we were just relaxing. We had become close over time,like a brother and sister as she insisted on it after she heard my story. Naturally, I agreed,me being the loyal person I am. Thinking about that reminded me,I won't think about her,I chided my brain. After some time,I had mastered turning water into ice and many other tricks Khione taught me. We had daily spars so that I would not get behind in sword fighting.
One day,as we were relaxing in my small hut,I pitched my idea to sis about going to Mariana trench. She nodded in agreement ,"Yeah but be careful or so help me,I will freeze you for a day," she said,staring. I shrugged and nodded before flashing to the sea,where I willed the currents to take me deep under. As I descended,I noticed the water become more colder and the pressure didn't affect me but it was a bit uncomfortable trying to move. I landed and started doing some laps around. Man it was hard,but I pushed on. I made some water dummies and had them attack me but my blade moved slowly as I slashed,parried and dodged. It was dark but my blessing from uncle Hades,made me be able to see clearly. The ocean floor was covered with fronds of seaweed as small anglers wriggled about through them,luring fish in with their light.(photoelectrophores..I think). I concentrated and stabbed at an approaching dummy but it dodged and slashed at me as I blocked and cut off his head. At the end of the day,I was utterly exhausted, my muscles groaned against the pressure as I collapsed and fell asleep almost instantly.

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