A bit of duelling

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Percy Pov
I noticed that the inhabitants of the planet were big, bulky and humanoid looking, they had brownish skin which had a pebbled like texture. Most of them were about a height of about 12 ft. Their houses loomed all around me,casting dark shadows over the street but I noticed that inside the houses,bright fluorescents gleamed through their windows. As I walked through the path, many of them turned to look at me with curious glances because I looked small compared to them. As I approached the arena,I heard the sounds of swords clashing and crowds roaring. The arena looked somewhat like a modern Coliseum,with the walls stark grey and windows that blinked as spotlights moved around the inside. I entered through the doorway and went up to the desk,where I saw a guy similar to the inhabitants watching a screen behind him intently. I saw that it was showing the ongoing match, which was between a clashite (that's what I'll be calling them) and a creature that was certainly not from here. It had dark blue scales, a yellow underbody and was similar to a snake except it was almost as big as a clashite and it had menacing orange eyes, that literally had fire coming out of them. I watched curiously as the fight progressed, each party landing blows until I saw the clashite grip the snake's neck and grabbed his tail, as it came lashing towards him and literally ripped it apart, blood spattering on the ground and on the competitor, as a shrill shriek left the snake's mouth before it fell limp in the clashites's hands. He threw the snake down as the crowd erupted in cheers as a horn sounded, declaring him the obvious winner.

I cleared my throat as he turned and looked at me. Now that I got to see a clashite up close, I noticed his mottled red brown skin color and he was literally built like a warrior, with his skin texture reminding me of a dinosaur( from the movies obviously). He had eyes that were hard as stone and I noticed one of his arms was in a sling.
"Hi,I would like to join the fights pls,"I told him. He looked at me questioningly and spoke in a rough gravelly voice, "You wanna join?'' '' Yes ,is there a problem with that?'' He shook his head,"Oh ,no problem,it's just a little weird to see a person of your composure wanting to enter into the fights.'' I chuckled," Trust me,I'm not as vulnerable as I look." He then checked his board and turned to me,'' Ok so, you can go for the normal fights, which is like one that happened now or you can enter the Mayhem Rumble that is starting up in a few hours. I'll have you know tho, this isn't like the normal fights we have here. Each contestant will face against each other and the winner will move onto the second round, where he will face another winner, and this goes on until the final round, where the winner gets to walk away with their prize, which is 5000 mikes ( the currency, mind you)."

I thought about this and asked him, "Is it necessary for me to kill my opponents?"
He looked at me, surprised, " It is. Over here , mercy is not allowed to be shown otherwise, you are considered weak."
I nodded, " Alright, I'm in, sign me up for the Rumble." He turned towards the board and looked at me, " Grimmel's ma name, what's yours?"
"Tri-Meta," I told him. He noted it down and stood up from his desk. "Alright then, I will take you to the armoury, where you can choose any weapons of your choice and then you will have to go to the waiting room, where all the other contestants are." I just gave a nod and followed him through a small corridor to a door, we entered it and I saw many assortments of weapons, all lying low shelves. He turned to me and said, "Pick whichever 2 weapons you want, and once you have chosen, go out of here and on your right, you will see 2 double doors, which is the waiting room. Go in and wait there until you hear your name being called out. There will be an iron gate at the end of the room, which will lead you to the arena. Oh and also using powers is not allowed until you advance onto the 2nd round. Good luck, Tri-Meta, may your luck hold out." He then left me in the room.

I browsed through the collection of weapons, they really had a lot. Ranging from stuff like usual old school, swords, spears, shields to futuristic ones, plasma guns, teleporter cannons, holoshields and many other stuff. I however had Riptide and the shield that Tyson made for me but to be safe, I tested some of the swords to see which one I can use. Some were terribly unbalanced as I picked them up. I finally found one that somewhat felt balanced in my hand as I tested it with a few swings. Eh, it's not the best but this will have to do, I thought to myself. I contemplated exchanging the sword for a shield but I shook my head, I was better at blocking with dual swords than with a shield. I sheathed it to my waist and headed to the waiting room. I came to the big double doors and was about to push them open when they opened by themselves. I just walked in, my boots thudding on the ground as I made my way in. I noticed my other competitors, 8 of them, all turn in my direction to see who the newcomer was. I just calmly made my way to a bunk and sat down, observing. Some started snickering as they looked in my direction and pointed to me, while some just looked at me curiously but with determination on their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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