22 - hi.

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y'all, i am finally a junior.

i literally started this when i was a freshman because i could never talk about these type of things to my friends, and like now... i'm a junior.

im gonna be 16 in exactly 27 days.


i went to tomorrow x together's concert and kcon. IN A SPAN OF 2 MONTHS.

and hopefully, fingers crossed, i'll get to see nct 127 soon.

fortunately, my mom doesn't work tomorrow so i'm desperately hoping and praying that she gets amazing seat tickets.

in other news...
guys i swore that i was going to update that book in the summer when i had time but i literally have no idea how to like, keep the story going on.

so recently, during summer break, i did online summer school (i regret it so much but at the same time not really because i stayed home the whole time). it was so much work but it was worth it.

also! i tried for the volleyball team but i didn't make it. LET ME EXPLAIN!

so the whole process was really hectic. i went for 2 days because that's when the coaches decide if they want to keep training you to see if we were really JV material. i lasted there for a month which was actually really good. there were at least 10 new girls that were trying out and i was was one of the 2 that lasted there. obviously the other girl made the team but i'm really proud of her!! we both have the same name so it was a bit confusing during practices but overall, i got a lot more knowledge of highschool volleyball now so i think i'm good to go with that for the book.

but other than that, i don't know how to keep the story going on. i already started off chapter 7 but the thing is, i really want my chapters to be long instead of just fillers.

because from my experience from the stories i've read, there is so many fillers that basically in every 5 chapters i get ads; and when i get those ads, that's where the big things start happening and it just gets me upset. like i don't want to be an author that just has like 5 important/interesting chapters while the other 20 are just fillers. but for now i think i'm going to start posting those types because i'm starting to feel bad about it to you guys.

i also might be going on a hiatus after i post chapter 7 because i signed up for the busiest classes this school year, and now i regret it. i won't get into too much detail but if you have any questions, just dm me!! i may not answer that fast because this app is on my iphone 8, but i'll try to answer as soon as i get home from school.

and to those people i left on delivered/read, i'm so sorry T.T i was just a paranoid, anxious 14 year old that wasn't too fond on creating online friends a lot even though i offered.

i was just scared and paranoid but not as much anymore! just as long as your profile doesn't seem sketchy.

i'll update you guys soon on here, i promise!
see you later! <3



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