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At the end of the day, Bruce went home exhausted. He just couldn't get that blonde out of his head. He was like a virus spreading throughout his brain. It was infuriating.

Fuck, i just wanna know his name. Bruce didn't know what to call him except 'the blonde.' No one has ever pissed off Bruce Yamada more than that fucking blonde. He hated the way he talked to Bruce, and the way he stormed off all the time and the way he pinned Bruce against that wall effortlessly. But then again, he liked the blondes big curls, his raspy voice, and his eyes..

Bruce felt sick to his stomach.


Everyday at school, Bruce decided to say hi, smile, or at least wave at the blonde every chance he got in hopes that he could get closer to him. Every time he did, people would have looks of disgust on their faces, or whisper things to each other. Bruce didn't understand why, but the blonde did.

"Hi Goldie." Bruce exclaimed, in a bubbly tone to the blondes annoyance. He never acknowledged any of Bruce's greetings cause honestly, Bruce kinda freaked him out. The shorter wasn't scared of him, instead he wanted to be his friend. No way in hell.

"I'm so close to knocking your teeth out." The taller male gritted, avoiding all eye contact with the boy besides him. Bruce only smirked in reply which made the blonde even more mad.

"Well, maybe if you told me your name, I wouldn't have to call you stupid nicknames."

"I simply don't have to, we aren't friends Yamada. Stop fucking talking to me." The blonde glared at Bruce's face for a second, but looked away just as quickly when he saw the frown on the shorters face.

Bruce was about to say something until the teacher spoke up. "Alright, I want everyone to partner up with someone. I don't care who. You'll be doing an essay about a place that means something to you two. It has to be a mutual thing, so go explore, have fun with this." She cleared her throat before continuing, "you have two weeks to get this done. That's more than enough time. You're dismissed."

The blonde bawled his hands into a fist as he watched everyone ask to be Bruce's partner. It was aggravating, he had so many people up his ass but he chooses to talk to him. The blonde could beat the shit out of everyone here if he wanted to. It just wasn't fair.

The familiar sight of blonde curls walking away caught Bruce's attention, he got up from his seat and left all the people that surrounded him. He caught up to the blonde and gently tugged on his shirt to get his attention. The blonde tensed up and suddenly turned around, but softened when he realized who it was. Not because he liked him, of course, but because the blonde didn't feel like he needed to intimidate the shorter boy.

Bruce smiled at the blonde, and he frowned in response.

"Hey, wanna be partners?"


"C'mon, pretty please?"


"With a cherry on to-"

The blonde suddenly grabbed Bruce's shoulders and sighed. "If I say yes will you shut the fuck up?" He asked desperately. Bruce nodded immediately to this and handed the blonde a piece of paper with his number on it. To work on the project with him, of course.

At the bottom of the paper it read "call me :)" and that made the blonde roll his eyes, but aggressively shove it in his pocket anyways, which was a win to Bruce.

Once again, that familiar sick to his stomach feeling was there. Bruce decided to go on a walk after school, to try and clear his jumbled head.

He loved the park, it was peaceful. He occasionally picked flowers, or just sat on the bench and watched the scenery. Bruce walked over to the flower field, admiring all the colors that marked the ground. He picked a couple before standing up and brushing himself off.

He noticed a familiar head of curls sitting on the bench, curled up in a ball. His head was facedown into his arms. As the raven haired boy was subconsciously walking to him, he felt a couple rain drops on his skin. He silently cursed at himself for not being aware of the weather. He'll never make it home dry.

He decided that it was a problem for later and made his way to the blonde again. The boy didn't even hear Bruce approaching, because at this point, it was already pouring.

"Hey stranger.." Bruce started, as he poked the poor boys arm. The blonde immediately stood up, frightened by the sudden touch. Bruce took note of this, he didn't like touch, which was okay.

The blonde looked down at him, an unreadable expression was plastered on his face. But you could tell it was a mixture of sadness, confusion and exhaustion.

Bruce must've forgotten how tall the other was, cause he was practically towering over him. His vibrant blue eyes stared through him.

"Why're you in the rain? You could get sick." Bruce knew the blonde didn't care, but he did. For whatever reason.

The blonde sat down, and Bruce did as well. He didn't feel good, the last thing he wanted to see was Yamada. What fucking luck.

When he didn't get a response, he tried talking again. "Are you okay?" It was a stupid question, but Bruce was genuinely worried. He didn't know why, the boy next to him was nothing but a jerk.

After awhile of silence, the blonde finally spoke up.

"Why do you keep talking to me?" He asked. He still didn't look at the raven haired boy next to him. Though, his voice wasn't as rough, and he sounded almost concerned. Concerned that someone was worried about him. It was new.

"Why can't I talk to you?"

"Because you just don't." The blonde finally looked at him. His eyes almost looked teary, and the rain made his pretty curls almost completely straight. Bruce hated the sight. He didn't even know the boy next to him but he wanted to be his shoulder to cry on. That wasn't weird right?

"I'm not going to avoid you just because I'm 'suppose' to," The shorter boy started, moving a stray strand of hair off the taller boys face. The blonde let him, he didn't feel like being a dick today. It did piss him off how kind Bruce was to him though. It just didn't feel right. "If I really did annoy you, you would've punched me already or something."

There was a silence after that. Not an uncomfortable one but one that made Bruce anxious. The raven haired boy wasn't wrong, the blonde seriously could've hurt him it he really wanted. He didn't though. Wouldn't want to mess up his pretty face, or whatever.

"Vance Hopper."


"My name is Vance Hopper."

Bruce smiled at the soaked boy next to him, and he swore he saw Vance give a slight grin back.

"Don't you have to go home Vance?" Even his name suited him. Vance.

"Don't want to." Vance replied, a not looking at the other anymore, but at the trees that danced in the strong wind. Bruce took that short time to notice Vance's sharp jawline, and his perfect nose. He was surprised he's never noticed Hopper before.

Truthfully, Bruce really did have to go home. But he didn't want to leave the blonde by himself.

So they sat there together, in the pouring rain for what seemed like hours. Not that they were complaining, though.

Vance Hopper...

this is so bad 😭

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