scream to me

0 0 0

Lips of gold


Eyes of shimmering Light


heart as pure as the words from Shakespeare himself.


sorrow so bold the Pain shines brighter than a light up Sky




The heart feels the sorrow as you say your Good-byes


the eyes start to Burn like wild fires in a field


as i allow my Legs to run


Run as fast as they can Carry me


faster than the Hearts desires, Slower


than the forming floods


yet Not knowing where my last breath may lead me.




the sorrow of a racing heart


the Cries of Pain from the simple words


Speak to Me


Scream to Me


Show me the Pain that Never dims


it’s light against your Heart


for i can see these rivers that you wish to speak aloud

Books Of The LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora