Chapter 1

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(n.) frustration, anger, or aggression directed inward, towards oneself and one's way of living.

Nickel could feel a dull, pounding headache even before he registered consciousness. He swallowed, his breath hitching as he realised how raw and painful his throat was. Light shone through his eyelids, and he wondered with a start; exactly what time it was.

He flung himself upright like someone waking up from a nightmare. His eyes darted around the sterile, room? He wasn't sure, the vertigo kicked in before he could get a good look at the place.

Nickel scrunched his eyes up, regretting his decisions. He shook like a leaf as he clutched at his forearms, driving his nails into fabric.

Bad idea, bad idea.

Thoughts buzzed in his head as he tried to clutch onto any recollection of how he got there, what was going on.

"Nickel...?" Someone gasped, their voice almost drowned out by the throbbing dizziness. Nickel groaned in response.

"NICKEL! YOU'RE AWAKE!!" was the only warning he got before a body barrelled into him, pulling him close.

He tried to squirm out of the arms wrapped around him but felt so weak that it was a task to do even that.

"Uh- let go." Nickel flinched at his voice. Although hoarse and weak, it was much deeper than usual. "Oh! Sorry, you must feel like hot trash right now." A voice apologised.

The arms wrapped around him let go and he cracked open his eyes. A boy sat in front of him, beaming ear to ear. He fidgeted with a red Baseball cap, fluffy white hair bursting out from underneath. He stared at Nickel with soft blue eyes and a scarred face.

He could also beat me to a pulp. His mind whispered.

"So... you doing ok dude? You look pale– do you want any water, food, a hug?" The tall boy grinned bashfully at the last suggestion, shoving his hands into the pockets of his red varsity jacket.

Nickel gritted his teeth, he didn't need to be babied, he didn't need a hug.

"No. I'm fine." Nickel glared at him hard enough to burn a hole through his stupid hat. The white-haired boy stared back with wide eyes, his mouth hanging slightly ajar.

"I-" He began with glittering eyes. He took a breath in and bit back what he was about to say. "Right. Not hungry then."

Nickel would've rolled his eyes if he didn't need to keep them locked on the boy. He lifted his chin instead, glaring at him." I think I have bigger things to worry about!"

"Like...?" The boy prompted.

"Gee I wonder, maybe how I woke up in some random place!" Nickel barked, immediately biting his tongue after. This dude was towering over him.

"You're— Nickel, you're in the Hotel Oj infirmary. I'm pretty sure you've been here before." He explained, his eyebrows furrowing with concern.

That was a...tame...reaction

"Ok. Infirmary. Right. Can I go home now?" Nickel bounced his leg, his patience wearing thin.

"Nickel, you are home. It's the Hotel Oj infirmary."

The way he looked at Nickel unsettled him. It was as if he was searching his eyes– his soul– for something that just wasn't there.

"Right..." Nickel murmured, scepticism dripping from his voice.

"What?? Why are you giving me that look?" The boy fretted, wringing his hands together.

"Gee, as if it's not obvious." Nickel seethed, malice dripping from his retort. He should've cared, he should've stopped.

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