Chapter 2

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(adj.) belonging to some time long past; once but no longer.

Nickel leant backwards in a soft chair, grinning at the boy sitting across from

him. The soft light shining down on him made him look extra pretty. The warm atmosphere of the café made it feel all the sweeter with the hanging plants and greenery dappling it.

"Alright, so we'll have to devise a plan to-" Baseball paused as Nickel burst into laughter. "What??"

"Devise?? You sound like- like a fucking comic book supervillain!" He wheezed, almost knocking over his cup.

"I mean making- to make-" Baseball sputtered, holding back giggles. "Dang it dude! This was supposed to be serious!"

"Serious? Why I'm as serious as it can- pffft- as it can get." Nickel protested innocently, batting his eyes at Baseball.

Baseball finally cracked, breaking out into fits of infectious laughter. Nickel's chest felt warm and fuzzy. He felt safe as he laughed along, a genuine grin adorning his face.

God, he really loved that boy.

"Ok, ok, but seriously. We need a game plan." Baseball sighed, giving him a soft smile.

"Yeah, we need- need to devise a plan-" Nickel mocked, bursting out laughing again before he could finish,

"Oh my god, I hate you so much." Baseball groaned, fighting a smile.

"You know you love me" He grinned, taking a sip of his drink. He wrinkled his face up in disgust, placing the cup down on the wooden table. "Dude, this stuff tastes like shit."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have ordered a lemonade then."

"Mhm. You like sweet stuff, right?" Nickel began, leaning forward.

"No, I like the very bitter and sarcastic stuff." Baseball replied, staring at the raindrops sliding down the window, grinning.

"Rhetorical question. Anyways, let's switch drinks." He pushed his lemonade in Baseball's direction, almost spilling it again, steadying it at the last second. Baseball looked at him, exasperated.

"You already took a sip out of it." He pointed out, watching the cup cautiously.

"Yeah, I know. Now gimme your drink." Nickel rested his elbows on the table, sitting his chin on his hands. He stared at Baseball with a shit-eating grin.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! He'll be fine. You can stop asking!"

Nickel barely realised he was awake, his brain surrounded in a dense fog littered with deja vu. His dream was already slipping away, leaving only the faint lightness in his chest.

"But what if-" Someone protested, their voice breaking.

"Baseball. Have some faith in him, he's gotten out of much worse unscathed." Another person comforted.

"But-" Baseball protested, his voice still pained.

"Baseball." They warned.

"Right...ok, got it."

Nickel cracked his eyes open, dragging his eyes toward the chatter. The events of the previous– Day? Night? Nickel didn't have the slightest clue– came back to him in a jumbled haze. It felt like another odd dream, but then again didn't everyday?

Sunlight shone through a window, leaving parts of his bed and face warm, reminiscent of the odd dream. Part of Nickel was satisfied just lying in bed.

"Seriously, he'll be completely fine. I promise." A green haired girl reassured, patting Baseball's shoulder. He shot a weak smile back.

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