Chapter 2 An experiment gone wrong

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Izzy's POV

After that delicious Brownies Cubby made for us, we were in the coolest basement ever.

"Whoa, this lab is amazing!" Jake complimented as Davenport came out of the elevator with Leo, Bree, Adam and Chase.

"Hey, I'm glad you like it, cause I built it." Davenport complemented on his building skills.

"Hey, since we're all down here how about we build something together all of us like a machine that can turn us into Pirates just for a day but we still keep our bionics." Chase suggested as we all looked at Jake and Mr. Davenport.

"All right!" They both said.

Time skip.....

"Ladies and pirate gentlemen's may I present to you the pirate machine 3000. With this you can analyze yourself and turn into a pirate just for one day. Who wants to try it out first?" Mr Davenport asked as we all backed away except for Adam Bree chase and Leo.

"I'll go first!" Adam volunteered as the machine analyzed him and in an instant he was a pirate.

"Whoa no way this is so cool! I've always wanted to be a pirate for one day." Adam said as Bree was next. African machine scanned Bree, she was excited.

"Cool! Look at me I'm a pirate." Bree exclaimed.

"Okay don't get too attached to them." Jake told them.

"Well since I'm the smart one here, I'm the last one." Chase who is more eager to get anyone else stood still as the machine scanned him but it started to go haywire after it scanned him.

"Uh, Big D is the machine supposed to do that?" Leo asked as he shook his head no.

" Yeah, no it's not supposed to do that. TAKE COVER!" Mr Davenport yelled as they took cover but we didn't as we were now scared.

"Jake, Izzy, Skully, whatever happens I just want to let you guys know you're my family." Cubby announced as the machine blew up.


Bree's POV

"Is everyone okay?" I asked as we got up and looked down and saw that Jake and his crew were unconscious and hurt.

"Well that did not go as planned. Leo got Tasha and tell him to call 911." Mr Davenport told him as he ran.

Nobody's POV

In the Neverland Hospital  waiting room with Peter Pan and Davenport (BTW they both met each other as they both enter the emergency waiting room.

"I can't believe this, how could you?" Peter asked.

"Look in my depends it was one of my children's idea not mine." Davenport told him.

"Thanks to you my crew are now in the hospital hurt." Peter exclaimed.

"Jacob Alex Hutchinson, isabella Rose Green, Robert Adrian Andrews." The doctor called as Mr Davenport and Peter Pan got up from their chairs.

"How are they?" Peter wanted to know.

"We don't know yet but they're okay." The doctor told them.

"Hey at least they didn't die." Mr. Davenport said as Peter Pan hit him in the back of the head.

"I deserve that." Mr. Davenport exclaimed while rubbing the back of his head.

"Doctor, Jake and his crew are gone." The nurse told him.

"Well where they go?" We all ask the nurse as she just dropped her shoulders.

Meanwhile with Douglas inside Crain's wearhouse.....

Douglas's POV

"Ugh, what happened where are we?" Cubby asked as Jake and Izzy along with Skully woke up.

"Relax, the doctor said that you guys weren't going to heal so I brought you guys here to fix you guys up. by the way I'm Douglas. anyway that doesn't matter take off your cast." I told them as they took off their cast from their hands.

"It's healed. They all exclaimed.

"What did you do?" Jake wanted to know.

"Congratulations Jake, Izzy, Cubby, and Skully you four are bionic." I announced.

Lab Rats meets Jake and his crew Where stories live. Discover now