Chapter 3 Jake and his crew get bionics/First mission Part 1

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Jake's POV

"Wait a minute, did you just say where bionic?"

"That's exactly what I said Jake!" Douglas exclaimed while Izzy Cubby and Sully were surprised about this news even me.

"Your bionic powers are super speed, strength, and X-ray vision. Jake, I gave you the bionics to have super speed, Izzy you have super strength and cubby you X-ray vision, which means you can use your X-ray visions to see if anyone is hurt. Oh yeah and Skully, I gave you electricity. Which means you can harness electricity from any source.

"What's that clicking noise?" All four of us asked.

"Yeah, I think I left my pens in there." Douglas told us.

"Wow Douglas, one word... idiot." Cubby called him an idiot.

"Cubby I don't think Douglas is an idiot." Izzy told him as Skully and I agreed.

"Even though he did make a big mistake." Izzy exclaimed as we all started to laugh.

"Hey I can take those bionic chips out of your bodies." Douglas told us as we just shut our mouths.

"Thank you! Now I would advise you that you guys take precaution of your new abilities okay I don't want no one to know about this not even Peter Pan or else he would kill me." Douglas explained as we both started to use it on new ability which was awesome.

"Oh my God we can get used to this." I said with excitement.

"All right, I know you guys having fun but let's bring you home. And when I be home I mean Leo's house not Neverland for a while because if you guys go there and use your bionics, your friends would think that you guys are trying to kill them." Douglas exclaimed.

"Okay!" We all said as we went back into Leo's house that night.

The next day.....

Cubby's POV

It was the next morning, and I decided to make breakfast. But as I was making breakfast, I saw a coin on the floor and I accidentally used my bionics to pick it up.

"Oh dang it, I can't let Mr. Davenport or Tasha know that I have bionics. Not even Leo, Bree Chase and Adam to know about this either. I got to get this coin off me." I exclaimed as Izzy and Jake came into the kitchen and saw me trying to get the car off my hand.

"Cubby, you're making too much noise what are you doing?" Jake asked.

"I accidentally found a coin and used my bionics to pick it up. Can you guys help me get this off me before the family wakes up and sees me with bionics?" I asked as they did.

After the coin flew off my hand, I was relieved that I did not have to deal with it anymore.

"Morning guys!" Leo said good morning as he went to get some orange juice.

"Morning!" All three of us said as Skully came flying and landed on the counter.

"So what's the plan for today?" Skully wanted to know.

"Well what do you want to do Skully I mean there's a lot of things you can do except not use what we have in our hands and hats that Douglas made us." Izzy exclaimed with a little bit of nervousness that Leo might find out.

"What are you guys not telling me? Is it someone's birthday please going to be mine." Leo wanted to know if it was his birthday.

"Yeah it is your birthday, and we got you a blender!" Jake told him as Adam came over.

"Ooh, Leo you got a blender for your birthday nice. Hey Jake, Izzy, Cubby, I want a puppy for my birthday." Adam said.

" Oh well, you see we were going to go to the pet store and get you a puppy but a little girl always took one." I came up with an excuse.

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