Before We Start

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As the story has progressed I've felt the need to issue some warnings. (and this isn't meant to scare you off, just give you some serious heads up)

Fist off, this is not a story for little timmy. No. If you're 12 or under (and that's pretty generous) please leave. This story is not for you. So don't go crying to your parents when you see something you don't like.

Second, this book has several triggering topics. If you are triggered by descriptions and/or mentions of suicide, self harm, kidnapping, or gore, for your own mental health I suggest you leave. Chapters with self harm or suicide will be marked with M!. Chapters with gore will be marked with G!. Although you may be missing out on key details by skipping these chapters.

Third, this book has a lot of curse words. If you're uncomfortable with that then I suggest you leave because I don't censor my writing.

And with that in mind that leads us to the fourth warning; I don't censor my characters either. I refuse to 'uwu-ify' or 'cute-sify' my characters. It makes me want to vomit honestly.

Fifth, that doesn't mean that this is all doom and gloom. There is still quite a bit of humor. But it leans towards the crude and sarcastic.

Sixth, there may be smut in later chapters. I will mark these chapter with S!. Although now that I've said that I'm sure I've summoned all the horny folk.

Seventh, my ships and headcanons may not be yours. I do take requests and suggestions, but I draw the line with many ships. If they currently or historically don't get along, then they don't get shipped. Looking at you Soviet x Nazi shippers.

Eighth, there is violence. Ranging from a simple punch to later on outright warfare. If that bothers you then this book isn't for you.

Again, this isn't to scare you away, and I know it probably comes off as harsh, but I see a lot of books that just give you curve balls out of no where and that can be triggering to a lot of people. I don't care if you don't read my book for whatever reason, if this isn't for you, it isn't for you. Do what's best for you and what you can handle.

That being said, I do greatly appreciate those who chose to continue on to read and comment. It really does mean a lot to me and it helps me to shape the storyline and characters.

And now, bon appetite my children!

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