Yuri x and x the x girl

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Ilumi runs through the woods, his eyes fixed ahead of him at his goal. His mission, given to him by Geto, a colleague of his grandpa, is to kill two people, an adult and a child.

Illumi doesn't particularly like killing children, but if Geto thinks they're enough to cause a threat he won't hesitate. He slides to a silent stop, as he sees his partner in crime, Hisoka, already standing in front of their target, a man named Yuri. Yuri is an incredibly powerful nen user. He's a specialist, the rarest type and most powerful of the six types.

Knowing this, Illumi has prepared his needles in his fist, ready to send them flying if Yuri makes one wrong move. "Let me guess, Geto sent you two, huh?" The strange white haired man shouts, as Illumi reveals himself from the shadows of the forest.

Hisoka smirks, tilting his head downward. "You're quite perceptive. Too bad you're going to die." He looks up, radiating Ren so powerfully it travels the thirty-some feet between them, washing over Yuri. He flinches, but braces himself and is easily able to combat the Ren with En, keeping himself in his own nen force field.

"I've got this, Illu. You go find the girl." Hisoka says as he cracks his knuckles in anticipation. "Alright. Let me know if you need any help." Illumi waves as he speeds around Yuri, to the front door of the cabin. The house is where Yuri has been holding up for the past fifteen odd years, doin God knows what.

Illumi's main concern, is why this child is a target. She must also be pretty damn strong for his grandpa to be worried about her. Before he enters the house he uses In to conceal his presence, before slowly cracking the door open.

The house has a woody smell to it, he can tell it's well lived in. A gentle light illuminates the room from a floor lamp in the corner, next to a worn, leather recliner, propped strategically to face the tv.

At the other end of the cabin is a kitchen, every cabinet and decoration is either wood or has some form of animal skin or bones, which would probably set anyone on edge, someone other than Illumi, that is.

To the left is a door, and beside it is a circular staircase, going down into the ground. He makes his way around the cat lounging on the ground, glancing down at it with his large, black eyes, only to one right back in return.

Upon inspection, the stairs are dark at the bottom, so their must be a door or something at the end that's blocking out the light. He makes his way silently down the steps, finding his suspicions to be true. Before he tries the knob he uses his En to search for the girl, but surprisingly she's no where on the other side of the door. Puzzled, Illumi puts his chin in his hand in thought. Where else could she be? There was another door, so he assumed he should try that.

Once he heads back up the steps, he enters the room only to be met with a blow to his arm, which he was able to detect at the last second and protect himself with Gyo. He jumps back a safe distance away, glancing up at the foe.

Standing behind the stairs, is a girl, who appears to be about fourteen years old, holding her fist in her hand, as it radiates visible aura. The girl pants, her eyes dark as she glares up at Illumi.

"Who are you?" She hisses, clapping her hands together, and by the simple action she conjures two phantom-like sting rays, swaying patiently in the air next to her.

Illumi watches her for a moment, trying to figure out her nen type. She just used an attack that is typical of an enhancer, but creating those nen-beasts is a clear sign she could be a conjurer.

"Interesting. You just used an attack by an enhancer, but made those creatures from thin air, an ability used by a conjurer. You must be a specialist, just like Yuri." Illumi says in a calm tone. She narrows her eyes at him, and sends her beasts forward with a slight jerk of her neck.

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