Ali Vs. Chloe

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Alison DiLaurentis ran through the woods, searching for her twin sister, Courtney. She looked this way and that, scanning the trees. But Courtney was nowhere to be found.

Ali looked straight ahead and saw the light from the front porch of her house. Then she saw a person standing a few feet away from her. Courtney?

But the person was a few inches shorter. Her long red hair flowed beautifully down her back. And she was staring right at Ali.

Ali's heart began to pound. What was Chloe doing here? She was supposed to be at a sleepover at her friend, Molly Anderson's house. Ali hated Molly just as much as she hated Courtney and those four bitches. Why did they get to have perfect lives? She was the one who had been in a mental hospital for four years. She deserved to live a normal life.

Ali stared back at Chloe. Neither one of them blinked. She's been waiting for me, Ali thought. She knows I want to kill Courtney.

Ali's eyes darted back and forth as she pondered how to handle the situation. She knew she couldn't use the same tricks she always used on Courtney and everyone else.

Nothing phased Chloe. Evil, sadistic smiles. Wide, crazed eyes. Violence and aggression. It only made her angry. And when she was angry, she knew how to put Ali in her place every single time.

Suddenly, an idea came to Ali's mind. She smiled and gave Chloe a friendly wave. "Hi, Chloe."

Chloe's face remained expressionless. "You're supposed to be in your room."

Ali's body tensed. She slowly began to walk toward Chloe. "I know. I just wanted to get some fresh hair. I've been cooped up in the house all day, you know."

Chloe still didn't show any facial expressions. Ali wondered what she was thinking about. Was she angry? And how did she know what Ali was planning on doing to Courtney?

Ali stood in front of Chloe, their bodies inches from each other. She dropped to her knees and grabbed Chloe's hands. "Chloe, please sit down."

Chloe sat down in front of Ali and continued to look at her expressionless.

"I don't want things to be like this between us," Ali said in an obedient voice.

"Like what?" Chloe asked.

"I don't want us to be enemies," Ali said. She reached out and began to stroke Chloe's hair. "I just want to be friends."

"Friends?" Chloe said, her expression softening.

Ali smiled. It seemed to be working. Maybe Chloe was finally starting to believe her. She could still find Courtney and push her into the hole that had been dug for the gazebo in their backyard. And she'd finally have a better life. One that included being the most popular girl at Rosewood Day with her little sister, Chloe, by her side.

She'd already spent two years at the Radley and two years at the Preserve at Addison-Stevens. She wasn't going to be locked up in a mental hospital anymore. It was time to take her life back, to claim her throne.

But when she looked at Chloe, she was reminded that she never had a life or a throne. She was never the one in control. Chloe was always the one in control. She was the queen bee of Rosewood Day. She was the only person who could tell the differences between her and Courtney. And that was Ali's biggest weakness.

But that was about to change. Or was it?

"Yes," Ali said. "Friends."

She kissed Chloe's hands and held out her arms. Chloe came right to her and pressed her head against Ali's chest. Ali flinched, caught off guard because Chloe hadn't done that since before she got sent away to the Radley four years ago.

"I love you, Ali," Chloe said.

Tears filled Ali's eyes. "I love you, too, Chloe."

She held Chloe for almost a minute. Tears of relief and excitement ran down her cheeks. She was finally going to get her revenge on Courtney for having the perfect life. And then she was going to make Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Spencer pay for getting to live perfect lives as well.

"I miss you so much, Chloe," Ali said tearfully. "You're my baby girl. I know you think I'm crazy. But I'm not. Everything I did was for you."

That's just it. Ali was crazy, and Chloe made sure everyone knew it. Their parents didn't believe Courtney when she'd told them Ali had forced to her impersonate her. But then Chloe stepped in. She told them everything. Ali's crazy. She wants Courtney gone. I think she should go away.

And so Ali did go away. She pleaded with Chloe not to send her away. But Chloe didn't falter. That was why Ali loved her. She could never control Chloe. And yet, somehow, Chloe always managed to control her, even when no one else could.

Ali pulled away and took Chloe's hands again. "Chloe, you're my lifeline. You're the only one who understands me. And you loved me when no one else did. I just want you to give me a chance."

She inched closer to Chloe. "Please, Chloe. Please forgive me."

Suddenly, without any warning, Chloe shoved Ali hard.

Ali screamed out as she fell down the hole. When she reached the bottom, a sharp pain went through her neck. She wanted to move, but couldn't. She wanted to say Chloe's name, but no words came out.

Help! she screamed. Help! Please!

Her screams were only in her head. She could see the full moon and the stars as they twinkled in the sky. Two familiar faces looked down at her.

Chloe and Courtney.

Hateful rage filled Ali's body. Courtney was supposed to be in the hole. Not her. But no matter how much she tried to fight, her body wouldn't move.

"Ali," said a familiar voice.

Nick, Ali thought.

Chloe looked down at Ali, then in the opposite direction. "Mom! Mom, come here!"

Footsteps crunched in the grass. "What is it, honey?" Mrs. DiLaurentis said.

"Mom, that guy pushed Ali," Chloe said, pointing her finger at someone out of view.

"What the hell is going on here?" said another familiar voice.

It was Mr. Hastings, Ali's biological father.

"Who are you?" Mrs. D asked sternly.

"I'm Nicholas Maxwell," Nick said nervously. "And I didn't push Ali."

Ali watched as everything unfolded before her eyes. Chloe and Courtney looked down at her as they held hands.

Ali could feel her breathing start to slow down. I'm dying, she thought.

"Call 911," Mr. Hastings said.

There was a rustling sound as the two males fought. "He's knocked out," Mr. Hastings said.

The numbing feeling started in Ali's feet and worked its way up to her legs, her chest, and her neck.

As Ali looked up at Chloe and Courtney, a thought ran through her mind. I lost.

Chloe had planned the entire thing, and Courtney knew about it. Ali never stood a chance against Chloe. No matter what she did or how much she tried to fight, Chloe always won. She wasn't crazy like Ali. She was just smart and everything Ali wanted to be, but wasn't.

Ali took her last breath, closed her eyes, and let go.

Hey, guys. This is going to be a series of one shots with Ali and Chloe, the two sisters from my Pretty Little Liars fanfiction. I hope you guys enjoy them. Thanks for reading. Bye!

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