Family Visit Gone Right

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Chloe DiLaurentis stared at the newly red imprint on her arm. Perfect, she thought. In just a matter of minutes, she was going to carry out her long-awaited diabolical plan to get rid of her older sister, Alison DiLaurentis, once and for all.

Chloe had started second grade a couple of months ago, and she was enjoying her freedom from Ali. She'd been the one who told her parents that Ali needed to go for the safety of everyone. And she loved every second of it.

But now Ali had come home for the weekend. She was supposedly having a hard time transitioning from the Radley to the Preserve at Addison-Stevens. The doctors had told Chloe's parents that it would be beneficial for her to spend some time away from the facility and be with her family.

But Chloe had already another plan in mind.

While Courtney was busy trying to convince their parents not to let Ali visit—they'd all be prisoners in their own home—Chloe had been silently planning everything down to the last detail.

Only a few people in Rosewood knew about the twins. Ever since Chloe and her family left her hometown of Stamford, Connecticut, their parents instructed their kids to never tell anyone about their being a secret DiLaurentis child.

Let's just say Chloe may have let that information slip to someone in particular. Someone who would do anything for her.

Courtney had already told her friends—Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Spencer—that she was sick and really contagious to prevent them from coming over to the house.

Once Ali had arrived, Courtney and Chloe watched her like hawks. Chloe convinced her parents to let her stay up late so she could make sure Ali didn't leave her room—the guest room—and go out at night. Chloe made sure her and Courtney's bedroom doors were locked so Ali couldn't get in. She'd taken all the copies of the keys and hidden them, not telling anyone she'd even taken them in the first place.

The first day, Courtney and Chloe—though mainly Chloe—kept Ali inside the house for the entire day. Then the second day came, and it was time to put the plan into action.

Chloe turned her attention away from Ali. When she looked back, Ali had vanished.

Chloe snickered. She had a feeling she knew where Ali was at.

She snuck outside to the backyard and stealthily made her way around the house. When she peeked around the corner, she saw Ali and another girl standing in the front yard. It was Jenna Cavanaugh, the only girl who knew about the twins.

Or so everyone thought.

Jenna had met Chloe and the twins years ago during one of Ali's home visits from the Radley. That day, they'd all played Barbies in the backyard all afternoon. Chloe made silly jokes that only Ali would understand, making her giggle. That had been part of Chloe's strategy when dealing with Ali: making her laugh, playing games with her, and giving her gifts she knew would make Ali cry tears of joy.

Now Ali and Jenna were standing in the front yard, giving Chloe side profiles of them. "I'm better now," Ali said. "My parents sent me to this mental hospital called the Preserve at Addison-Stevens. I was supposed to be home permanently, but Courtney tricked our parents and got me sent away again."

Idiot. I'm the one who tricked Mom and Dad, Chloe thought.

"I don't understand," Jenna said with confusion.

"Please help me, Jenna," Ali said. "I just want to be home with my family. I don't want to be locked up anymore."

Suddenly, Chloe heard the sound of the front door swung open. Ali turned and smiled nastily at Courtney. Jenna looked up at Courtney, clearly growing more confused by the second.

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