shadowy figures,,

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Shadowy figures←


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Second pov :

You wake up in your room , confused as to what just happened

Was that app (or was it a game?) Real , were you just making it up

I mean you might have been half asleep and thought that a Instagram post was an actual app on your phone

You pick up the phone to check only to see that the app was there

It is still there

Why is it there

Why can't you delete

You felt watched-

There seems to be a note be written in the app

"I couldn't delete it , If I did it would delete -"

There is something that is blocked the note from continuing

But why ? , What was the completion of that note?

-For now I think you should worry over what that file meant-

Said another note that appeared

You click open the app , only to see downloading completed

Nothing more ?

You open Google to search for the app , it does not exist

Where did this thing come from

You search up "shadowy figures"

Only for there to be one answer

"Shadowy figures are those little figures you see at the tip of your eye , when you're walking by and see something walk by fast , but you can't really tell what it is , it disappears once looked at

Though most shadows are only 4-6 feat long , anything taller might be something else like a demon"

Oh , then were you gonna notice more of those or something?

You realize that one of them might standing in your room, just watching you , doing nothing

Standing tall and still , you try to look at it but it disappears

Maybe this might be why you always felt watched

Not matter what you do , would it be eating , showering, eating , reading, using your phone

There always seems to be something watching you


That all started a week ago, now you can't sleep with no light on , the electrical bill is high , but you don't care any more

Anything to not be watched , your not even sure if it is the friendly quite shorter shadows anymore

No, they got bigger, taller, and gained more access

You would wake up sometime because your bedside lamp fell to the floor right where you step each morning after waking up

Knifes started appearing at random places , and falling from where they were

And- oh no

You forgot to pay the bill

Oh poor little dumb you , didn't really think that the lights would go out

They can come out now


You should start running

You ran as fast as you could trying to reach the door (but no matter how hard you try , you would have never been able to reach hat door in time) , but something latched onto your arms and legs

Dragging you back there

Holding onto your arms and legs , slowly ripping them apart from your body

It hurts so much, why was it you that had to go through this?

What did you do wrong?

They dragged your body over broken glass , slowly , as if it was happy with how much pain you were experiencing , it won't let you die yet , just a little more

But just like how you can't have what you want

It won't have what it wanted

Right as you lost all hope

A window opened

|                                    |
You failed

[Game over]

And three options


Except punishment

Choose a new file
(New file(s?)unlocked!)

So what do you choose player?


If you have any comments about my writing , theory's , or story ideas that can be added

Please do comment them , I would love to read them

Btw what I wrote , has a lot to do with how I feel like irl

And my slight fear of those figures

So yes some of these might involve my fears and I something (s) I went through

Btw , mint and lemon juice is so good bro

If you have access to mint add it into your lemonade while you are making it

"is it real?"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin