Please Don't Test If I'm Flammable, I'm Not

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Hero's POV

The Hero let his eyes adjust to the light that shone through the window and spilled into the cluttered room.

As he sat up a dark damp towel fell off his head and into his lap, he pealed it off and onto the floor. He looked around in a daze, taking in the red tools on the table, the villain watching him from the kitchen...


The hero leapt to his feet, all drowsiness gone from his sky eyes.

"You" He growled through gritted teeth.

"Good afternoon" The villain said casually, leaning against the wall, "Did you rest well?"

The hero glanced down at the couch he had been laying on. Dried blood covered the cloth and cracked in many places. On the table next to him there lay an assortment of medical supplies, though there were few. A bowl with water pooled at the bottom was sitting at his feet. The towel he threw off was dangling off the edge, pooling on the floor in a soggy heap.

"What did you do to me" The hero said, his voice deep with distrust

The villain cocked an eyebrow. "I haven't done anything to you" He said, innocently.

"Than whats that?" The hero pointed at the bowl on the floor and the bloody utensils on the table.

"You were injured" The villain said, "And you had a fever"

"That's impossible," The hero retorted, raising his own hand to touch his forehead, "I don't get sick"

"Well you did"

The hero glared at the villain but dropped the subject. He had to get out of here. With any luck the villain was holding out, waiting for the hero to lower his guard before launching another attack.

"Why did you come here anyways?" The villain asked, frowning in confusion. "I'm a 'villain', your a 'hero'. Wouldn't you, like, expect me to kill you or something?"

"I am" The hero said.

The villain's eyes widened, "Then why did you come here"

"I don't remember coming here at all" The hero said defensively, his nose scrunching up. "I woke up five minutes ago and found myself here"

The villain paused, taking his weight off the wall and uncrossing his arms. "You mean, you don't remember coming here? You don't remember what happened? "

The hero flinched, eyeing the villain suspiciously. "...what do you mean 'what happened'?"

"You don't remember?" The villain asked, taking a step forwards.

"No." The hero said coldly, "What did you do?"

"What did I do?" The villain emphasized. "What do you mean what did I do. I helped you is what I did."

"Don't expect me to believe your lies villain" The hero growled, "I'm not as gullible as I once was"

"I don't even know you. We've never exchanged greetings, much less names." The Villain clarified. "In fact, I don't even know why you keep coming after me! Out of all the villains in the city why do you have to target me?!"

"Because you wreak the most havoc!" The hero said defiantly. Of course there were other reasons. But the villain didn't yet know that the hero knew of his alternate, cloak wearing, identity.

"What?!" The villain spluttered, throwing his hands into the air in exasperation. "What about [insert villain name here]?! He blew up half of the capital!"

"Yes but you attack more regularly!" The hero countered.

Like last night

"What do you mean 'more regularly', I haven't been doing anything these past three years" The villain sighed. "I thought the hero's took me off their public warning list!"

"Well," The hero hesitated, "they did"

The villain glared at him. "Then why are you following me around like a jealous ex girlfriend?"

"Because who knows what your planning!" The hero yelled, not appreciating the joke. His eyes glistening. "Last time you disappeared we left you alone for the most part, but you came back only to kill a whole family"

The villain slowly met the hero's furious gaze, frowning. "...what?"

"The Jane family" the hero snarled, advancing on the villain. "Two parents and four children. All murdered in their home."

The villain didn't respond.

"Heads torn off their bodies," The hero continued, "Limbs shredded, parts taken, blood drained..." His voice cracked.

The villain grew paler and paler with each remark.

"So forgive me if I don't trust your withdraw tactics" the hero finished, heated. He waited for the hero to say something.

Now the villain would attack him. Knocking him to the ground. He would rip off the bandages and sneer at him. Tell him this was all a trap. That he'd been waiting for the perfect moment to take him attack as soon as he admitted to knowing his true identity.

But when the hero raised his head to stare, defiantly, into those gray eyes he saw none of those things. Quite the opposite in fact.

The villain held the heroes eyes but wasn't really seeing him. His eyes were wide and his eyebrows raised. The hero could see his own light blue eyes reflected in the villains soft gray ones. The villain's hands trembled in his lap. His breathing became more labored as though the air was being forced from his lungs.

It lasted but a moment. The villain suddenly began pacing around the room, muttering to himself.

The hero strained to listen to what he was saying but heard nothing more than the ramblings on a mad man. The villain turned to face him, a dark light glinting in his eyes.

"When did this happen" He inquired.

The hero flinched, "You know exactly when it happened! Don't play dumb"

The villain advanced, his eyes cold but panicked. "When did it happen!" He demanded.

The hero shifted away, but found his escape route blocked back of the couch. "A year and a half ago" He said, quietly. The villain didn't back away but instead advanced another step, reaching out his hand. The hero panicked, this is it. This is where I die. I told him that I knew of his true identity and now he needs to kill me.

In a moment of a spit second decision the hero thrust his hand to meet the villain's. The villain burst into red ruby flames.

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