This Is Why I Don't Socialize

22 1 27

Villain's POV

The villain flinched as the flames danced across his body, licking his hair as embers danced in front of his eyes. Good thing he had prepared for this in advance. Layering inside his skin with a thin layer of ice, which melted but protected him nonetheless. While treating the hero in his, albeit awkward method, he realized that if he created a small dusting of ice in his skin he could withstand the heat from the Hero's flairs long enough to pull away. Knowing this the Villain stood staring at the Hero's panicked blue eyes, unmoving.

What was this guy's problem?

The villain didn't know where the hero knew him from but he'd figured out one thing. The hero didn't like him, yes that was obvious. But he seemed more scared than anything else.

A sigh escaped the villain's lips, what had he done to receive this kind of reaction?

Was the hero, the son of the bank owner the villain had made go bankrupt? No, that couldn't be it. There were too many possibilities as to why the hero had it out for him so much. After all, he's a 'villain', at least in the eyes of the high and mighty.

The flames lasted but a second. As soon as the hero withdrew his hand the flames extinguished. Unable to keep going because of the insanely low temperature of the villain

"That's a strange way to give someone a high five" The villain jested.

The hero stared at him, his fist clenching.

An awkward silence filled the room.

The villain fidgeted as the hero walked to the table and attempted to undo his bandages.

"Hero..." The villain started, hesitating as the hero glanced at him, "You shouldn't take off your bandages. Your wounds scabbed so if you move around too much without them-"

The villain trailed off but the hero continued to take the bandages off.

The villain wasn't about to let all his medical supplies go to waste on an ungrateful prick.

He walked around the couch and grabbed the Hero by the wrist, heat spreading up his arm.

"You shouldn't take-"

He stopped mid-sentence as the Hero wrenched himself out of his grasp. The warmth in his arm faded in an instant.

The villain stared at the Hero, startled.


The Hero seemed to tremble with rage and stepped away, glaring.

Wait...what did I do? The villain thought, panicked.

Hero's POV

The Hero regretted his decision as soon as he set the Villain aflame.

As the hero's palm hit the Villain's a cold pain raced up the hero's arm.

The Hero wrenched his hand away, the flames falling at once. He heard the Villain say something, but the words fell on deaf ears. All the hero could think about was the stinging pain that was still embedded in his palm. He felt as though thousands of needles had pierced his skin.

He had to get out of there, he determined, clenching his fist and trying to return feeling to his fingers.

He'd had no idea the Villain could do something like that. It was too dangerous to stay here.

The hero was about to turn away to leave when something occurred to him that stopped him in his tracks.

The villain didn't implant some sort of tracker under the bandages....did he?

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