33| Here She Is

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I received a handwritten letter the other day, asking for Karma

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I received a handwritten letter the other day, asking for Karma. They sent it to Briella, thinking she was Karma so she gave it to me.

A small English gang in the streets of NYC have been tormenting an elderly woman in the poorer neighborhood....the neighborhood I grew up in.

Mrs Rosa Sanchez, 87 year old woman. She's a wonderful person, always showed my family much love even though we were Pagans in a mostly Christian area. The man who wrote the letter is Hugo Reid, a well known gang member. He wants me to kill Mrs Sanchez but that's not fucking happening.

He wrote a detailed letter, explain why and how he wants Mrs Sanchez dead. He recalled times that she had rang the cops due to the parties he has. He also mentioned that she has money that is his, which makes no sense in my view.

So, I'm standing outside her door. I want her to know that she's in danger, I've got Vivi with me so that she can be a "witness" as the gang members in our neighborhood have ties to the cops.

I knock on the door, waiting for her to answer. We could hear her footsteps from outside, I remember her house was always so spotless but needed a few new refreshments such as new floors and new windows.

Seems like she never got them.

"Oh Violeta!" She said as she opened the door, a huge smile on her face could brighten up anyones day.


"Señora Sánchez, ¿puedo entrar?" I ask. She let us in almost immediately.
(Mrs Sanchez, may I come in?)

"¿Quieres té? ¿Galletas?" She kindly asks, slowly moving around.
(Do you want tea? Cookies?)

"No, no, estoy bien. ¡Gracias!" I tell her, she sits down on the seat beside me, holding onto my hand. "Necesito decirte algo".
(No no, I'm okay, thank you.)
(I need to tell you something.)

She looked at me suspiciously before saying, "vale, mi amor. ¿Qué es?"
(Okay my love, what is it?)

"La pandilla inglesa, están tratando de hacerte daño, ¿sí?"
(The Spanish gang, they're trying to hurt you, yes?)

Mrs Sanchez looked at me with such worry in her eyes, it was clear that the brutal gang had traumatized her in some way or another.

I held onto her frail hand and softly squeezed it, trying to comfort her. "Voy a ayudarte, ¿quieres quedarte conmigo?" She was hesitant, unable to make up her mind. "¿Qué tal si te quedas con mi madre?"
(I'm going to help you, do you want to stay with me?)
(What about staying with my mother?)

"¡Oh, Isabella, querida! ¡Por supuesto que amo a Isabella!" She said with excitement, it's pretty evident that old age has took over her health and memory, I'm not sure that she has dementia but she definitely shouldn't be living alone.
(Oh Isabella, my dear! Of course I love Isabella!)

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