~ sweet green eyes ~

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Daniels pov:

It's been too long since I've seen David. I'm not too sure if he still even works at the camp..anymore, but.. I need to see his sweet green eyes again. If he Isn't there, I'm not quite sure what I'll do! Just keep looking I guess. I've been trying to find David on social media for what feels like forever. But I don't know his lastname.. I just remember that it started with an.. M..? I think. I know it's close to 'David Maison' or some shit like that! It feels like it's on the tip of my tongue but it just won't come out. WAIT! I think I've got it.. Why didn't I think of this before?! I could just... search 'Camp Campbell' up on twitter or Facebook.... and Maybe I can find Davey In they're following! You're so smart Daniel! So of course, he did that. And just as he was having close to no hope, he found someone he hasn't thought about in forever, just a lady named 'Gwendolyn'. As I stare at the user 'Gwendolyn Scott' for a couple seconds with disgust on my face, I tap on her profile to see if it really is Gwen. Well.... sure enough, sadly..... It was-! Or maybe... 'Sadly' wasn't the correct word, maybe, just maybe.. The word is 'gladly'! Maybe I could find Davey following her!  - I tap on Gwens "following" and scroll down as far as I can till' I get to the bottom. "YES!" I said, jumping up from my chair with joy. I sat back down, with a uncontrollable smile, tapping quickly on 'David Manson's' profile. There was nothing posted on David's Twitter account. His profile was just that default little character they use when you haven't changed it yet, but I could tell it was him... I guess.. I was pretty close to his lastname. So anywhoo! I decided to follow David, I don't think he will follow back.... because my Twitter is 'Daniel R. Hollyberry'. And everyone I encounter seems to just walk away, and ignore me. "I've been waiting forever. No hope, again." I mumbled, slamming my phone down on my bed, getting up ready to walk away.. Then I hear my phone vibrating on my bed, I don't normally get notifications because... well, who do I have to talk to, am I right? Ha!......... anyways. "Well what could that be." I roll my eyes, aggressively snatching my phone, and turning it on. -'David manson followed you back'- the notification said. "UGH! YOU HAD ME WAITING FOR THAT LONG JUST SO I COULD GET MAD, HUH?!.......... Hmph." I click on the notification, sending me onto Twitter. "Ok.... Calm down Daniel.." I start typing to David, my hands are shaking to do the nervousness, and excitement at the same time, you know that feeling you get when you're really anxious, and it feels kinda like you have to vomit? Just a horrible feeling in your stomach that doesn't go away! Well that's what I felt. Am I gonna send Davey a long paragraph of my feelings for him? Tell him in multiple texts.. Or do I just go with a "Hi", and then wait till' he responds?! I think the third option is probably the best. "Hi Dagid" I texted him, making multiple spelling mistakes cuz of my shaking hands. "FUCK! I already sent it...!!! AND I SPELLED HIS NAME WRONG!!" I corrected myself by texting him "*David*... Lmao😅" "I feel like such a fuck face right now. Why do I always mess things up, what's wrong with me!?..... Well, maybe I'm being too over dramatic. He might n-not care-!!" I sit there, staring at my phone until it tells me David opened the message. Seconds later, he opened the message. Smiling while also getting that stomach feeling once again, I watch as he types back, replying to my messages. "Hello! I'm guessing this is you, Daniel. The blonde one, lol😂" David replied. "THERE'S MORE DANIELS THAT HE KNOWS?.... And I bet that THEY'RE ALLLLLLL BETTER THAN ME, AREN'T THEY?" Oh gosh, what do I type?! How do I reply to that?!?!? "Yup, that's the one!." I text back. "Lol. I never thought you would've texted me! How'd you find me?🙃" David texted me back. I could see that he had to keep replacing what he was gonna say before he sent that message because the text bubble kept going away and reappearing. "Don't worry about that, I have my ways. I just wanted to talk to you again! Maybe become your friend?" I replied, "Fuck, that's so corny.-"  David was typing, after a while of him trying to figure out what to reply with, he eventually said "Oh ya haha. Sure, we can be friends. But Daniel.. If you try track me down and like.... kill me, that's the last time you'll EVER hear of me." .. I felt.... like such a bad person after seeing that. Maybe I am, but if I want David, I know I have to get better for him. "SO! What are you up to today? If you don't have any plans, you wanna... maybeee... hang out??" I replied, "Oh my god. Why can't I talk to him! I... My palms are all sweaty, and I feel kinda light headed.. I'm acting so cheesy and corny." I said to myself while placing my hand on my head. "Nope,No plans! where do you wanna go?" David texted. "Yes!" I said, smiling. "You should just come over to my place." I replied to David's messagee. "Uh.. sounds good.:)" David replied with a smiley face. Does that mean he doesn't like me?! Oh god.... what should I do...

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