in which your family loves Wooyoung more than you

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You always loved those weekends when you could go home and visit your family. Ever since you moved out from home, you missed them so much, you just felt so alone without them, but eventually, Wooyoung filled up that empty space in your life, he brightened your every day and you couldn't be more thankful to him.

This Saturday morning you set out with your boyfriend to your dad's house to get there by noon because the whole family going to gather around to have lunch together. As a kid your weekends were always full because you were a child of divorced parents, so you spend your Saturdays with your dad and his side of the family and your Sundays with your mom.

You were kinda nervous for some reason every time your boyfriend meets with your family, sure he did meet them before, but it is still strange when your two worlds collide. On the other hand, Wooyoung didn't seem to be nervous at all, he is always looking forward to spending some time with your family, since he has always been family oriented, he loves his family and also loves it when you are with his family.

You probably were more comfortable with his family, than he is with yours as you rarely visit home due to the long distance. Wooyoung's mom loves you, she sees you as her own daughter, because she always wanted one. You get along with his little brother, Kyungmin as well. You have always been good with kids, they just love you and it's also easier with him because he is a literal angel, he is so adorable.

Although Wooyoung always knows what to say or do in every situation ( i know so annoying, how can someone be so perfect), that's why your family loves him so much, probably more than they love you. In their eyes, he is the perfect child they never had.

"You seem a bit nervous" he noticed it every since you guys woke up, but decided not to say anything because it may worsen it. He grabbed your hands to stop them from shaking. You always had a shaky hand in situations when you got stressed or anxious.

"Just a little bit, but I'm also excited" you looked him in the eyes. You could see the concern in his eyes. Wooyoung knew how bad it can be, he helped you through all of your anxiety attacks, and that's why he always has an eye on you.


When you stepped inside your childhood home you got a major flashback, you got a bit emotional. You greeted all your relatives and watched all your aunts and grandmas simp over your boyfriend. He even brought them flowers and chocolates. 

At noon everybody was sitting by the table, you next to your boyfriend on one side and next to your sister on the other. Still a bit tense, but your boyfriend is also helping with that with his joes here and there. You had no choice but to laugh at them every time forgetting about everything, and that's what their purposes were.

You couldn't help but feel embarrassed when your grandma started to tell stories about your childhood, but not the sweet, innocent ones but the most awkward ones. And unfortunately, Wooyoung loved them, his gonna remember them forever just to tease you about them in the future.

When you could no longer participate in the conversation you suddenly felt a hand sneaking up and down on your legs, you loved it when Wooyung did that. But one time he purposely went a little too up in your inner thigh. You immediately looked at him with a warning look on your face just to see that smirk on his face that you loved so much, and that confirmed that it was no accident.


After all the guests left, you went up to your old room. It was a bit creepy how everything was the same like time stopped there. Wooyoung looked around carefully, looking at all the photos and details, he loved learning new things about you. 

"So judging by your room you were a popular kid in the school" he said as he hopped down next to you on the bed. You scoffed at his statement, it was funny how far he was from the truth.

"You are so wrong, babe. I know it's hard to believe but I was the girl that didn't have that many friends but also wasn't in a bad term with anybody. I was basically just surviving school." 

"I would have never guessed that in a million years, I sure would want to be your friend. It's a bummer we didn't meet before. I feel like I have such a short time with you in this life." Wooyoung always told you how both of your lives could have been easier if you found one another sooner.

"Babe, everything is the way it's supposed to be. What if we met sooner, probably we wouldn't be the same as we are now, and I love the way we are and wouldn't change it for anything."

He looked at you the way you possibly could not bare like you had stars in your eyes like you are able to do things that nobody else is able to. And it was basically the truth, at least for Wooyoung, you could do things to his heart that nobody else ever could. Whatever you say it has a point and could change his mind in minutes, without thinking much about it. 

Every time he looks into your eyes he realizes he loves you even more than the last time he did.

"God, you don't even know how much I love you" and he grabbed your face and kissed you with so much love.

"It's a bit weird. Kissing in my old room. Like I haven't even had a boy in here before." You told him honestly.

"Then it's time to inaugurate it." He liked the fact that he is the first boy in your room, it calmed his possessive self for sure. 

oneshots - ateez wooyoung x readerWhere stories live. Discover now