in which you get revenge

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„Wooyoung, why do I have to find out you dyed your hair back to black from twitter?" You asked your boyfriend as madly as possible, you just wished he could feel how upset you are with him right now.

The first thing you saw when you opened twitter this afternoon was everyone freaking out about the news and sharing Woo's universe pm photo, where he announced the sudden change.

To be completely honest you were a bit disappointed, not because he dyed his hair, sure you liked his cherry red hair, but nothing compared to when he had black hair, but you were disappointed because he didn't tell you. How could he not tell you? You are his girlfriend, you should know about this stuff!

If you knew you could at least say goodbye to his now old hair one last time. As you did to all his previous hair colors. The saddest goodbye was probably to the oreo hair, he was just so special to you.

„Haven't I mentioned? I'm sure I did." His voice got a few pitches higher. Oh no, he's not gonna talk himself out of this one.

„No, you have not! I can't believe you, how could you forget about me? Can I at least see your new hair  in person somewhen?"

„Babe I've had black hair multiple times before, it's no big deal. But I'm really busy today, maybe I can come over after practice tomorrow." The promotion for their new comeback just ended a couple of days ago -maybe that's why he dyed his hair all of a sudden-, but this boy is always working so hard, it's like his energy never runs off.

„Okay, that's good for me. Then see you tomorrow." You were ready to hang up, but not before you get some response from your boyfriend.

„Y/N I'm sorry I forgot. I love you honey." This boy just melts your heart every time he opens his mouth, but you can't show him your weakness. You knew he meant it, but if you don't get revenge, he will never learn from his mistake.

„Yeah, I love you too." And you quickly hang up your phone.


You heard keys jingling at your door, while you were laying on your couch, with your laptop on your lap. You were working on your school project all afternoon since you came home, you didn't get up once and you're legs were so numb, you were sure you could not stand if you would try. To be said you were pretty tired at this point, and you were glad to see you're boyfriend again after such a long time.

You could always relax better, and you forgot about all the things you were stressed about with him. He is some kind of happy pill for you.

You honestly were too lazy to make your way to the door, usually, you would jump in his arms the minute he stepped into your apartment. So you just waited for him to come to you this time.

Wooyoung was a bit confused about why weren't you anywhere to be found, but he thought it was only because you are still upset with him about what happened yesterday. So he called after you to melt the ice a little, while he was still getting his shoes off.

"Hey Jagi, where are you? So you're not that excited about my hair after all, I thought would get some kind of special treatment, since you like me black that much." He was ready to tease you every moment, it comes naturally to him.

The moment he stepped into the dimmed lighted living room he spotted you immediately cozied up with several blankets. He couldn't help but smile at the view, all he could think about was how comfortable must it be in your arms there, he needs your comfort just as much as you need his.

He slowly but surely walked up in front of you. "So there you a..." His words got stuck and his eyes got as wide as it is possible.

"What it is?" You asked him with such a proud grin. Now you got him finally.

"What happened with your hair?" He still looked like he saw a ghost.

"Oh did I forget to mention? I chopped it off." Oh boy, you had the biggest smile on your face.

"But...but who did it?" 

"The hair-dresser?? Duh. How do you like it?" Revenge tastes so sweet, you have to be careful to not get too used to it, people can get a little too obsessed.

"Are you kidding me!? I LOVE IT BABEE!!! You look so good. Ahh, you wanted to chop your hair off for so long now. I'm so happy for you. Come here, give me a kiss my love." Okay, maybe this wasn't the reaction you thought you would get from him. Now you were just as confused as he was a couple of minutes ago.

"Wait you're not upset with me for not telling you?" You stopped him midair as he was ready to pepper you with his love.

He shook his head. At this moment you realised how your boyfriend is the most loveable, most nontoxic boyfriend ever. You on the other hand have to start working on some things. But the best person to learn from is Wooyoung.

Now you're more eager to show him your love than he was before. You pulled him close to you and connected your lips together. It was a little more than a week since you last saw each other, so you almost forget how his lips tasted, it was like when you met an old friend after not seeing each other for a year and all the memories rush back, just like the same old feelings. His lips are a bit salty, must be because he came from practice, but you loved every taste of him no matter what.

It still felt like he was thousands of miles away from you, so you carefully pulled him on top of you, and he did just as you wished for. Wooyoung was the first one the pull away from you, it was really hard for him but he had to get something off his chest.

"Babe, are you still upset with me?" He asked you like someone who is actually afraid of disappointing you.

"Do I look upset?" You said as sweetly as possible to reassure him. You brushed out a strand of hair from his face to be able to study his face a little better. He didn't answer but gave you just a little peck on your lips. 

"I want to take you to a getaway this weekend tho." It was so out of the blue, but you couldn't be happier to have him in your life. He really does a lot for you and you couldn't wait for this trip to reconnect with each other. 

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