10 the things i love about you

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the way you make me laugh

No matter where you were, Wooyoung always had the mission to make you laugh. It was because he loved your laugh, it was his favorite sound in the world. Everybody around you knew that whenever you two are together it is dangerous because he couldn't concentrate on anything else.

He would throw a joke here and there, and immediately look for your reaction, but he gets disappointed when all he can see is you smiling a little bit. He knows he needs something bigger, something awesome, so he thinks and thinks.

All he could think about is the dumbest things and not surprisingly, without any thinking, he does all of them. But he still doesn't get what he wants from you, you just think about what is going on in this kid's head.

He almost gave up, but when Yunho does the funniest thing ever and he couldn't hold his laugh back, he bust out his high-pitched laugh, which was soo loud, followed by clapping as he tries to keep his balance. And suddenly without any notice, you bust out a laugh too, not because of Yunho, but because of your boyfriend's ridiculously lovely laugh.

the comfort you gave me

It happens sometimes that you miss home and the comfort it gives you. You moved all the way across the world at a pretty young age you could say. On those days you feel like you can't find your place, where you belong, because your heart pulls you to two places. 

All the memories, all the people you left there suddenly rush through your mind, just like a movie, you know a little too well. And all of a sudden you can feel tears running down your face, your heart stings like hell and there's a knot in your throat.

But luckily there's always a shoulder you could cry on, a pair of hands that soothingly caresses your back, a soul that can feel all your pain as much as it was his. His heart breaks to see you in this state, but he hides it from you to assure you that it's okay. He whispers comforting things to your ears, soo quietly you can bearly hear it, he makes sure nobody hears it just you, although there's nobody there just the two of you.

You can feel your breath settling, and the tears stopped. This feeling is a bit familiar to you, it feels like the comfort of your home. And that moment your realised home is not a place but a person.

that you are my best friend

In your life, there was never a friend that you could rely on or that you could actually trust. At the end of the day they are always betrayed by something, it could be a big thing or a small one. Maybe it was because you put everything into all your friendship, you gave them all your love, and they took advantage of that.

As you grew older you promised yourself that you never let any friend this close ever again. But when you met Wooyoung, he changed your point of view, he changed everything.

Slowly, but surely you let him settle in your heart. This boy you met 4 years ago, who annoyed the hell out of you, but you couldn't help but love him become your best friend. And you always believed that true love starts with friendship, but never in a million years did you would guessed that you would be heard, in the healthiest relationship, happier than ever.

that you never judge me

Sometimes it happens that you do some things you never meant to do, and regret is immediate. You feel shitty about yourself and feel like you are the worst person in the world. Although you never meant to hurt anybody, you did and you can't turn back time. All you can do is apologize, but it doesn't help much.

You beat yourself up about it. And here you are again hating yourself, thinking everybody in your life deserves better than you. 

But it is just a human thing. We do make mistakes. We are not perfect. And Wooyoung would never judge you about anything, especially not something like this. He listens to you while you tell him about the situation and understands your every point.

He knows your heart, and he knows you could never hurt anybody on purpose.

that you are the most beautiful, inside and out

It is hard to go over Wooyoung's look. You never understood how can somebody look like that, it is just not fair. To this day he manages to take away your breath every day.

But most importantly he is more beautiful inside. He has a pure soul, that not many people have. He looks after and takes care of the people he loves. He is the most loving person out there and shows his love with his every move. He likes to brighten everyone's day with his own brightness. He is the kind of person you want beside you during both the good and bad.

that we are partners in crime

It is known that Wooyoung loves to annoy the hell out of everybody, this is one of his love languages. But not much know that this one of yours too. A lot of people tell you that you two are like little kids, but the bad ones.

If something happened, everybody knows who was the responsible for it, and who they need to look for. Although if it was just one of you, you would never betray the other, you would rather blame it on yourself. 

Like that one time when you accidentally broke Seonghwa's lego, which he worked on for so long and you felt so bad about it, so you told Seonghwa about it, but Wooyoung told him that it was actually him behind your back.

that you care about me as no one did before

It is embarrassing for you to say because you tell Wooyoung every day that you hate when he babies you, you are a grown adult and can take care of yourself and he needs to look after himself first, but you can help but love it deep down.

Like he loves to cook for you because you are just so clumsy that you can't cook for god sake. He checks up on you every hour when he is away, with little texts like "have you eaten already" and when you are studying "don't forget to take a break". 

But he takes really good care of your heart too, without you even realizing it. He makes sure that nothing and nobody hurt you.

that you make me proud of you every day

He is the most hard-working person you know. It is truly fascinating how much passion and love this boy has for what he does. Although you hate to say this word because talent means nothing without hard work, but he truly is talented.

Every time you see him perform, and see him standing on stage and how happy he is, it makes you the happiest alive. You standing backstage and watching him live his dream also makes you cry there. He is your star, your brightest star and you couldn't be more proud of him.

that you help me be myself

For a long time, you always debated in your life, who you actually are, what is your purpose in life, and what are you good at and it always left you without any answer. You never let yourself be yourself in front of anybody because you were scared they would judge you for it.

After meeting Wooyoung it got worse, seeing him so passionate and knowing who he is and what he wants, made you question your purpose again.

But he helped you realize that not everybody has one, or sometimes people find out about it later on in their life, and sometimes their purpose is another person. He gave you the strength to finally be yourself and never hide it again, with his comfort and reassurance. 

that you love me the most

You are grateful for everything this relationship gave you, and you couldn't wish for a better boyfriend than Wooyoung. But the most you are grateful about is the love he gives you.

You know sometimes you are hard to love, and you make it difficult for him. It might sound cliche, but you love each other even more every day, with all your imperfections, with all the mistakes, with all the fights. Those things make you realize how much you love each other and that you cannot live without each other no more.

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