8 | Fraternising with the enemy

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fraternising with the enemy


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A mysterious man, an alpha no less, so close to someone he held so dearly.

Was this some sick trick to get him to join his pack? Take Stiles so he would have no choice?

Stiles frantically looked between the two wolves, a panicked expression on his face as held onto the alpha boy's shoulders, in an attempt to keep him from pouncing on the other.

"Wait Scott! I know what it looks like, but he's not the alpha!" When it looked like the beta wouldn't back down, the Stilinski boy turned to the older boy, placing a hand on his cheek, forcefully breaking the glare battle between the two. "Hey... quit it with the eyes, yeah?"

Dominik didn't give any reply, only closing his eyes, opening them to reveal his natural steel orbs. Though his fierce growl remained, flashing his fangs at the intruding wolf.

"What is this!?" Scott growls out, looking with an angered pain directed towards Stiles. He couldn't understand, this was clearly the alpha, the only one they've seen in Beacon Hills, and he was defending him. "You're siding with the alpha? He's killed people!"

"He's not the alpha! He's not even a werewolf!" Stiles' heart beat started picking up at the thought of his best friend being mad at him, the accusations obviously stung a bit. He felt the grip on his waist adjust, the hand loosening slightly, his thumb rubbing calming circles into his back. He physically relaxed a little bit, feeling himself calm some. "Just sit down and we can all talk."

Scott calmed down a bit as Stiles got up, helping the other boy up two, as Scott rounded the room towards the couch, Stiles placed himself between the two males. He pushed the King boy slightly, sirecting him where to sit, and placing himself next to him. The skinwalker was quiet, not wanting to overstep and anger the boy who was housing him. Scott sat down on a chair a distance away, staring at the pair with unease.

"Who is he?" The beta's voice was stern, demanding as he questioned the none supernatural being, sending a glare to the boy who sat behind him. "And what is he?"

"This is Dominik King... older..? Brother of Nox." Stiles responded, looking to the boy as was unsure of his own information.

Dominik shook his head, his position leaned into the couch and his relaxed demeanor thoroughly pissing off Scott. "We're twins... but I guess I am technically the older one."

"Right..." Stiles turned back to Scott as he answered. "And he's a skinwalker of a wolf, so not technically a werewolf."

"Though I have been thoroughly bonded with my skin, which is why I can possess some attributes that your kind do... I suppose." He shrugged his shoulders, looking to the Stilinski boy as he turned to him with a look of a million questions.

"Bonded? Does that mean that you'll eventually just become a werewolf?" The buzzcut boy couldn't help but ask, completely disregarding the situation.

"I guess? Or I could just become stuck in the body of a wolf, and loose all human sentience? I dunno." Another shrug of his shoulders made the skinny teen huff, not satisfied with the lax answer.

"So you're not the alpha?" Scott asked, a little more on the calm side now.

"No, but I've heard him... his howl is what awoke me. I'm under the impression that the blood shed on this sacred ground broke whatever imprisonment I was under." The young King sits forward now, hopeful to provide some information that could help.


"Druids, or some sort. Nox and Derek are on the case." Stiles answered, waving off the question.

"Yeah... about Derek." Scott looked unsure as he spoke. "Can we trust him... I mean... what if he's the alpha, or helping the alpha?"

The skinwalker cut in before Stiles could answer.

"No chance." He remarked gruffly. "The Hales have long since been allies of the King family, Derek was always a morally just character... besides his eyes are blue, not red."

"Well then who could it be!" Scott growls, getting frustrated with the lack of answers.

"Jesus, sure are making use of your newfound flare... look you're the beta of this alpha, meaning you'll know when they're near, you'll feel it." Dom barked out, not liking the tone he was given. "You don't feel that with Derek, do you?"

"No, but-"

"But what?" Stiles chimed in, curious as to the workings of these two supernatural beings.

"But I do around him." Scott glared, pointing at Dominik. Stiles' eyebrows furrow at the statement, looking to the nearly nude man as he held a soft glare of his own. "So explain that."

"I'm heavily bonded to my skin, meaning I take on its traits... traits similar to a werewolf... I suppose since a dire wolf is a stronger more advanced version of a wolf, you may still see me in terms of ranks and leadership." The boy scratched his head as he spoke. "I remember Mrs Hale called me something once... an... Ultima?"

"What's that?" Stiles' curious tone caused a soft smile to break on the Dire's face. Stormy grey met hazelnut swirls of curiosity, Dominik almost laughed at the look on his face, reminding him of why he began calling the boy 'lamb'.

"I believe its a rank higher than an alpha." The boy wore a prideful smirk as spoke, eyes being unable to tear away from Stiles' wondrous expression. Dominik's tongue poked slightly between his parted lips, as though holding him back from any action he may... or may not... want to take. The Stilinski kid watched him, almost hungrily, fully anticipating any movements made.

The guttural coughing of Scott McCall caught their attention. The pair glanced his way, as he began to speak.

"Okay with that aside, I have one more question."

"Yeah? Shoot."

"Where are your clothes?"

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