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Kendall and Logan were seated downstairs in the kitchen reviewing the boy's file. Liam was born January 22nd. His mother's name was Penny Debra and she was now in prison for drug possession and selling. As Karen had mentioned, Liam was locked in a closet for months and was found when the police raided the house. He shows signs of being neglected with a dirty diaper strapped on him that was overflowing. When Liam was taken into the orphanage, he hardly spoke. He never interacted with other kids his age and was terrified of adults touching him.

The fathers were quietly discussing the file when a loud scream was heard from upstairs. Kendall and Logan quickly jumped up from their seats and rushed into Liam's room where the boy was sitting up crying. Upon seeing the two adults, Liam backed himself into the corner of his crib.

"No, no, no. Stay back. Back back, no hurt Li Li" Liam screamed as he gathered all his stuffed animals and clung on to them.

"Hey Li Li," Kendall said, crouching down. "It's alright sweetheart, you're safe here remember. Daddy told you you were safe before you went to sleepy, remember baby?" Liam shifted back a little before he looked up at Kendall.

"Daddy?" Liam asked the man as if he was not sure if he'd been imagining the man's presence.

"Yeah Liam, it's Daddy and Papa" Kendall said as he made his way towards the boy. "Can I pick you up baby, we're not gonna hurt you, love." Liam looked nervous but he slowly nodded and so Kendall took a few steps towards the crib and reached his arms out. Liam allowed Kendall to pick hin up. "Hey baby, did you have a bad dream sweetheart?"

"Bawd dream daddy. Didn't like it" Liam cried. Kendall held the boy closer and kissed his face.

"It's alright sweetheart, just a bad dream. You're safe with Daddy and Papa" Kendall said as he kissed the boy. Liam seemed to calm down but then his face darkened again.

"Li Li sorry" the boy softly said and Kendall rubbed his back.

"You have no reason to be sorry sweetheart" Logan assured the boy also joining Kendall rubbing the boy's back.

"No, no I made a stinky. Bad boy. Li Li bad. Sorry" Kendall held back a sigh as he pulled the back of his baby's PJs and diaper open revealing a mess.

"It's okay sweetheart, we're not mad. We can just clean you up sweetheart" Kendall told the boy who looked completely shocked.

"No punish Li Li" Liam asked and both Kendall and Logan wanted to cry but they managed to keep their emotions in order.

"No sweetie, no punishments for silly things like going potty. We'll just clean your bum up okay?" Kendall said as he laid the boy down on the changing table who hid his face between his stuffed animal. Logan handed Kendall the wipes and a new diaper and Kendall slid the boy's PJs down and opened the diaper, pushing the boy's knees to his tummy and beginning to clean the boy. Liam starts whining a little at the cold touch so Logan runs his hand through the boy's hair. Finally Kendall has a new diaper on the boy and pulls the PJs back up. Kendall goes to throw the used diaper away while Logan scoops up the boy grabbing his stuffy and heads downstairs.

Logan sat the boy down in his high chair. "How bout some lunches baby boy" Logan cooed and Liam nodded.

"Li Li hungry Papa" Liam said.

"I'll make you a grilled cheese, would you like that sweetheart?" Liam nodded eagerly.

"With some juice please Papa" Liam said and Logan couldn't help but coo at the boy. How adorable.

"Of course baby boy, you asked so nicely." Logan started to cook the meal after fixing some juice for the boy. Kendall soon came down just as Logan had strapped a bib on Liam and began feeding him.

"Hello my two boys" Kendall said as he entered the kitchen which made both boys smile and the little one sqeal.

"Dada" Liam squealed to which Kendall headed over to Liam and kissed him before pecking Logan's lips.

"Are you eating a yummy grilled cheese?" Kendall asked Liam in a squeaky voice. Liam nodded as he took a long sip of his juice. "Logy, James and Carlos wana come over tonight to meet Li" Kendall told the boy.

"Yeah sure, why not. Li Li, do you wana meet Uncle James and Uncle Los?"

"LILi has uncles?" Liam asked his two new fathers. Before today, Liam had no family who loved him. He was simply an orphan that had been abused by his biological family. In a spam of a day, Liam now has two fathers and now uncles. He was completely overjoyed.

"Yeah baby, our two best friends. They're very excited to meet you sweetheart. Maybe they'll even bring you some presents" Kendall told the boy knowing that the entire reason James and Carlos are coming over is because they have presents for the boy.

"More toys for LiLi?" Liam asked, eyes widen.

"Yes sweetheart, only the best for you my love." Liam finishes his lunch and the fathers give him a full tour of the house. After the tour, Liam is quickly changed and then the family settles down to watch a movie. A few hours later, the doorbell rings and Kendall rushes to open it.

"Hey guys" Kendall says as he greats James and Carlos.

"Kendall! Great to see you but where's the baby" James says and all the adults chuckle. Kendall motions for the two adults to follow him and leads him into the room.

"LILi, this is Uncle James and this is Uncle Carlos" Kendall says as the two uncles crouched down so as not to scare the boy.

"Hi buddy I'm Uncle James" James says as he admires the boy. He knows Kendall and Logan had been meant to be fathers really, but seeing them with a baby is just so adorable.

"I'm Uncle Los" Carlos pipes up.

"I Liam but Daddy and Papa call me LiLi" Liam tells the two adults who both coo.

"Well can we call you LiLi buddy?" James asks the boy who seems to think about it.

"Okay" Liam finally says and the uncles smile. The uncles continue to talk to their new nephews, getting to know the boy. The whole family ended up learning that the boy was a big fan of the children's show Mickey Mouse.

The family ate dinner together with Kendall feeding the boy. Afterwards the family gathered in the family room again.

"LiLi buddy, we have some presents for you sweetheart." Liam squealed and clapped his hands. Liam opened his presents and was so excited to have many more toys. The fathers allowed Liam to play for a little bit.

"Okay sweetheart, time for bedtime. You can play with your toys tomorrow" Kendall told the boy as he picked up his crawling baby.

"Noooooo Daddyyy" Liam whined. "Wana play." Kendall had to hold back a chuckle and he rubbed the boy's back.

"Sweetheart, you can play tomorrow. It's bedtime now, your sleepy okay? Say goodnight to your uncles, you'll see them soon."

"Night night Uncle James. Night night Uncle Los" Liam said giving both uncles a hug.

"Babe, can you make him a bottle" Kendall says, turning to Logan. Logan of course agrees to the request so Kendall carries Liam upstairs and lays him down on the changing table. Kendall quickly changes the boy and then takes him over to the rocking chair. Logan re enters with a bottle in hand, giving it to Kendall who thanks him and begins feeding him. Soon the boy's eyes are closing and he's mere seconds away from sleep. "Good night baby boy" Kendall says. "Daddy and Papa love you."

Liam falls asleep feeding loved for the first time in his short but somehow agonising long life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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