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Proverbs 3: 5-6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

"THANK YOU, come again soon!" I waved and called out to Mrs. Lopez as she was making her way to the door.

In her hand was a box of macarons and chocolate covered strawberries for her daughter's birthday. Funny enough, she liked macarons in place of a traditional cake because they quote "had more love put in them and she needed all she could get of it" as she was waiting on Yale to get back to her about her application.

"Goodbye love, take care!" She called out as the bells of the door chimed her exit.

I looked at the old-fashioned clock on the wall, with its handles telling me it was 7:03 P.M. One more hour. I looked around to see what I could do until a next customer awaited my assistance. The creme colored walls were engulfed in the sun's golden rays. The wooden tiling on the floor was almost speckless, but the display case needed to be tidied up.

I walked into the kitchen to look for the new treats baked this afternoon: chocolate cupcakes, cherry tarts, and a few trays of vanilla and cinnamon macarons to be in place of those I had just packaged up.

"Adiela! Come help me organize the pantry, oh dear it's a bit messy because of our rush earlier!" Meet Mrs. Ophelia, the 54 year old woman who started this bakery when she was 24 years old.

"Coming!" Though she was a bit older, she was wise and incredibly strong, most of all she was like a second mother.

I saw flour and white sugar sprinkled on the floor near the entryway and on the floor of the pantry and walked inside, "Oh my- was it this busy while I was gone?" Mrs. Ophelia, with her 4'11 physique, was on her step stool as she reached to put the salt back on the top rack of the "dry ingredients" shelf. Half of the bags were still opened, a bag of chocolate chips was ripped (thankfully no chocolate chips were in it) and the rest were ready to be put back.

"Adi, the cupcakes were emptied in the display and the tarts were almost done, I gotta do what I gotta do", she said wiping her hands on her apron. "Finish up here while I wash the dishes, okay hun?" She looked at me and smiled, her eyes crinkled with peace and assurance.

"Alright, just please don't wear yourself out next time!"

□ □ □

"Goodbye, Mrs. Ophelia, see you tomorrow", I called out. I opened the front doors and heard a "goodbye, hun" mixed with the bells jingling at the top of the door.

As I walked outside of the bakery I pulled out my headphones and looked for a song to listen to as I walked home. The buildings of the Big Apple glew in the distance.

My light brown top and white palazzo pants made me feel like a businesswoman as the gentle wind swayed my pants with the breeze.

No use. I don't even feel like listening to anything, I just don't want to have anyone talk to me. All of a sudden, my older brother, Donovan, was calling.


"Where are you?"

"I'm three blocks away, why?"

"You brought the cake, right?"

I froze and my eyes widened.

"SHH...Don...PSHH...I think...SHH...the connec...SHH...is bad. PSHH SHH...let...SHH...call...PSHH...back."

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